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Comment IBM and MS sales reps did a product shootout (Score 3, Interesting) 88

at my workplace - IBM with OS2, MS with whatever version of Windows first used VGA resolutions (or maybe it was extended file naming). The IBM rep talked TCO stats, the MS rep played a colourful animated cartoon. Management actually applauded the hi-res MS pitch. Unix guys sat at the back in stony silence knowing that we were doomed regardless of whether IBM or MS won the contract.

Comment AI non-proliferation treaty (Score 1) 40

Essentially, what he's proposing is a non-proliferation treaty where only China and the US are allowed AI. Essentially, they'll become the only two sellers of remotely controlled machines driven by an ai located in China or the US. They'll take the majority of the profits flowing from the next industrial revolution.

I'm not sure China would agree as they're still steeped in Marxism and anti-imperialism. That said, money talks.

Plus, countries like Russia will submit to no-one regardless of the pain. Though they don't have the data sources currently needed to feed the ai, so maybe they won't be a player outside of their own country.

Comment Re:This is a neat upside of sanctions ... (Score 1) 110

China is also all-in on the industry version of the IoT. That's all about remote control of industrial plant and equipment, sensors, actuators, robotics etc. To scale that they need tons of cheap silicon, but not necessarily high density silicon.

It's also why their GPS-equivalent has 10cm2 resolution in civilian mode plus capacity for high density data packet transmissions - ideal for control of roaming robotic equipment.

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