The idea of Seasteading is to have individual "seasteads" that are relatively inexpensive (the cost of a nice house) that can connect together with other seasteads.
Starting fairly inexpensively but building up into a full city over time.
They've been working on this at for several years now. Cities in the sea, and being able to move your "Seastead" from one city to another if you don't like living there.
A lot of people were voting against ObamaCare this time around. But considering it took 60 votes in the Senate to get it passed, you would need 60 votes in the Senate to end it, plus getting past an Obama veto.
Any propaganda you read about Republicans working to repeal ObamaCare is all hype. It can't be done unless they gain 12 seats in the Senate and take over the presidency in 2012.
Until then, enjoy your premium increases.
So if it was a cell phone, the guy walking in front of her doesn't notice her talking to somebody?
This day and age, someone just talking and nobody is there you readily assume that they're on their phone.
Back in the 1920s she would have been considered a mad woman talking to spirits.
Imagine electric cars charged wirelessly while either parked at a parking lot or while driving down the road.
That would be a great use of the technology.
Coming in May there will be a Boxee Box for about $200 that streams content via wireless or wired connection with several output options for your TV.
Quite the cool setup with a remote that has a keyboard like a slider phone.
I hope it lives up to the hype. I'll definitely be getting one.
I have the Palm Pre and I usually play the games while in the bathroom. The major games I play are solitaire, checkers and chess. The checkers and chess kinda suck because the computer is far too easy to beat (sacrificing bishop to take out pawns, missing opportunities to check mate me, etc.) I tend to kill off my queen in my first few moves to make it more challenging.
Other than that there are some multi-player/build your guy up type of games that I occassionally keep up with.
By everyone using as much bandwidth as they can, they can demonstrate to AT&T how much money they could have made if they had a cost per bandwidth setup going.
The accounting guys are foaming at the mouth for this to happen.
So you need one professional driver for every 8 cars to do the driving.
How is it saving fuel if for every 8 cars your new train system has to have 1 more car burning fuel?
You're adding 12.5% in fuel to save a few mpg.