In other words, if the CoC is written by or has any input form SJW grievance experts, then the answer is a solid "NO".
I can agree with this, partially There is a large enough community involved in these areas that some consensus needs be made as to how things are done both in communications and general interactions. However, caution is indeed important as it can be abused in order to put some voices under thumb as it were. Thing is though, your response in regards to "SJWs" is similar to the abuse you're seeking to avoid. Sort of a conundrum, huh?
So, we bring up this topic about the potential benefits of using Genetic testing to better our lives only to be reminded of the pitfalls that also come with it. As The Grim Reaper pointed out, Gattaca dealt with this topic rather extensively. However, I'm not sure that this will even be a choice to not put ourselves forward for this sort of testing.
Genetic testing is being fairly "hip" these days with companies like 23 and Me offering their services. Even will offer the use for help with your genealogy tree. There are major dangers with freely giving over DNA to these companies though. They build up genetic databases and under current US law, our DNA does not technically belong to the individual but to the research team that "borrowed" it for "research" purposes.
We can get scared about it or we can work to come up with intelligent legislation to afford some protections to ourselves in our respective countries.
On the plus side, we can get away with Eugenics under some-what less than ethical apology.
They could just fix problems for the next-model when it comes time to release it. I've seen the Note 7. Even got a chance to play around with it. The phone itself was good, fast, responsive, and extremely lightweight. Hell, I was expecting a bigger phone than what it was. A friend of mine got the Note 7 along with a replacement because she broke it. Neither one exploded or got heated while charging. Note: We live in an area where it is routinely scorching outside.
Sure this this is a major hit for the brand but then again we don't ask for Apple to rebrand every time an update to their devices screws up.
I highly doubt that the movie is being heralded as unfunny or even a failed movie in the US. The movie was also released online which means that people did not need to go to the limited number of theaters it was released in to go see it. Just about everyone I know, myself included, have watched the movie and found it to be hilarious. We all watched it online.
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