Comment Re:He will, indeed, take that to his grave (Score 1) 257
I think you were fortunate enough to find work that you love. If you continue to love doing it, great. The Venn diagram of fulfilling activities and income producing activities doesn't so neatly intersect for everyone. The big lie here is that only income-producing work provides people meaning. Being a volunteer historian or nature guide, amateur radio enthusiasts, mentorship programs - all of these things involve effort and striving, they just may not be highly remunerative.
No one is saying that anyone should have *your* job for fewer hours than you're willing to put in. You do it, you're productive, great! I don't resent that you are the type of person you are, but we could not have a world made entirely of people like you. At the end of the day, someone needs to be a custodian, or a dockworker, or any other number of jobs that aren't necessarily in the service of moving up the rungs in some career ladder, and if those jobs don't fulfill them they'd like some time to have fulfilling projects or activities as well.