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Comment Re:WE already HAVE changed teh planet, it large wa (Score 1) 460

Do you know what percentage of atmospheric gases is CO2?

0.035%'s_atmosphere (Pie chart a little bit down the page.)

Let's say, just for argument, that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere doubles. Then it makes up 0.07% of the earth's atmospheric gases.

This is not going to kill us.

"Carbon emissions for U.S. territories range from 9 to 12 million metric tons per year." .html

One metric ton is 1000 kg.

"Volcanic activity now releases about 130 to 230 teragrams (145 million to 255 million short tons) of carbon dioxide each year."

One short ton is 2000 kg.

Let us compare. US activity gives off 18-24 million short tons, volcanic activity 145-255 million short tons, of CO2 each year.

How much can we affect climate change if our entire CO2 emission is 1 percent of that of a single natural source of CO2?

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