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Comment They were good times (Score 4, Interesting) 58

A few of us got together to tackle this and after a couple of days to download 0.99.11 and printing out the readme, one of the first commands we ran was vi. We didn't know how to quit so we rebooted to solve that issue. I used that distro for years until the other ditros had stable packaging which wasnt until well into the 2000s. I had setup several servers for companies that ran single pieces of software for years without issues. But over time, requirements end up needing the bloat which mostly includes auto updates and infra automation. Slackware didn't keep up but I'm sure I learned dep hell and core userland of the Linux continent 10 times faster on slackware. It was a clean setup and a clear list of tasks to get where you wanted to go. The latter is not so popular anymore, but using slackware for so many years had an effect on my work ethic to turn ad-hoc procedures into a product. Thank-you Slackware.

Comment some factors to take into account (Score 1) 126

When people are grouped into a small team with a simple hierarchy then interpersonal problems start to dissappear and the team effort becomes more important. In addition the team itself gains a group experience that grows and keeps growing if the team spirit stays alive even if one member changes once in awhile. Unfortunately this would require the right software, ide, shared screens etc... and at least a couple of years to grow. It should be more like bridge programming (like the bridge of a Navy ship). The momentum of a team can eventually be more than the sum of the parts if fed properly. I would even say that a tester and documenter (and whatever other non coder is required ) could take part and to put it even further perhaps each member would have a person or a smaller team working for them. Yeah if I had nine zeros to spare I would definitely try to grow something like this.

Comment The only reason Nvidia could be doing this is... (Score 1) 200

Because they will include several cameras and microphones and the GPU will always be building a context of where it is (neural nets married to gen algorithms, etc...), and what is going on around it so that when you use the device, it will already have a good idea about what you want.

That, or if you drop it, about 3 inches before it hits the ground, tiny little airbags will break the fall.

Perhaps they are creating a roll out device. 8 inches by 1 inch, but rolls out to a full 20 inches across.

Maybe they'll integrate full android app compatibility?

Maybe the thing will have little legs that come out so that when it's at the other side of the room, you can call it over to you because you're on the sofa.

Is it possible that there will be no screen and there will be lasers that will just shoot the image directly into your eyes?

Some may think that when you buy many of them, you can put them together and the screens mesh together so well that not even one pixel is out of place in the suddenly larger screen that you have.

Maybe they will really make it 3 millimeters thick... really, that would be a pretty nice change.

Maybe the OS will really allow you to "Operate the System", you know someone should really make one of those for a phone or tablet, I don't think they exist yet.

well it's gotta be something good right? Not just more of the same to think they'll break the ice.

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