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Comment Re:BIND??? SENDMAIL??? (Score 1) 77

FreeBSD 10.x comes with unbound instead of bind, however this change is likely not done in the 9.x series because it would be a large change that would go against POLA (the principle of least astonishment). FreeBSD tries to keep binary compatibility and a consistent base system throughout a Release-Branch.

This basically means 9.x and lower will stick with BIND whereas from 10.x onward the base system will come with unbound instead. Also i seem to recall there are efforts underway to replace the basesystem sendmail as well.


Ask Slashdot: Good Low Cost Free Software For Protecting Kids Online? 646

An anonymous reader writes "I have two kids, 7 and 8. I would love to allow them internet access on a regular basis. The problem is what's out there: I really don't want them to deal with porn ads and such, but making either a blacklist or a whitelist myself would take months. So I figured I would ask you: what free software would you use with preferably prebuilt lists to protect your kids online? What is out there with fairly easy configuration ability (to allow for game servers — they love Minecraft), but secure enough they can't just bypass it using a Google search?"

DHS Best-and-Brightest STEM Program Under Fire 108

theodp writes "In mid-May, the Department of Homeland Security quietly expanded a program that allows foreign science, technology, engineering and math grads to work in the U.S. for 29 months without a work visa. 'Attracting the best and brightest international talent to our colleges and universities and enabling them to contribute to their professional growth is an important part of our nation's economic, scientific and technological competitiveness,' explained DHS Chief Janet Napolitano. But last week, Senator Chuck Grassley called on the GAO to 'fully investigate' the student visa program, citing reports of abuse and other concerns in his letter. Now, Computerworld reports that the DHS STEM Visa Extension Program continues to be dominated by Stratford University and the University of Bridgeport (as it was in 2010), prompting some tongues to wag. It is 'obvious to any reasonable person that the schools producing most of the OPT students are not prestigious research universities,' quipped policy analyst Daniel Costa, 'which means that many of the OPT students across the country are not in fact the "best and brightest."' While conceding that top students can come from lesser-known schools, 'those will be the exception to the rule,' argued Costa, who suggested the government should include performance metrics in the OPT program, such as grades and university rankings."

E. Coli Can Be Used To Clean Up Nuclear Waste 102

jerryjamesstone writes "Researchers have found that E. coli can be used to recover uranium from tainted waters and can even be used to clean up nuclear waste. Using the bacteria along with inositol phosphate, the bacteria breaks down the phosphate — also called phytic acid — to free the phosphate molecules. The phosphate then binds to the uranium forming a uranium-phosphate precipitate on the cells of the bacteria. Those cells can then be harvested to recover the uranium." What has made this 14-year-old process economically feasible is the use of inositol phosphate, which is a cheap waste material from the production feedstock from plant material.

Comment A much bigger advantage ... (Score 2, Insightful) 383

What amazes me the most is how practically everybody looks at this from the "when it crashes" point of view, when to me personally the biggest advantage to all of this is that one can actually have 40+ tabs open and having the system need Only swap in the Current Tab instead of every single tab all at once after an extended period of browser inactivity (likely causing the system to swap out the currently single browser process).

I know people will say RAM is cheap and all that ... but still why should the system worry about swapping back in all 40+ open tabs when i am really only interested in the currently active one. Let it worry about swapping in another when i want it.


Finding Better Tech Broadcasts? 205

BearGrylls writes "As a young lad and aspiring technologist I have found shows like Revision3's 'The Broken' and 'Systm' to be entertaining, informative, and, most importantly, thorough. As time has gone on revision3 has kept some of the tech-related shows, but dumbed them down to appeal to a larger audience. This annoyed me, but I've continued to be a loyal viewer of their tech shows anyway. However, I suspect this trend to continue and my disappointment to grow. Where can I find tech shows that dive deep into projects and discussions instead of simply skimming the surface?"
Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: D&D: Character Blog 3

A couple weeks ago, I spontaneously found myself on hand at the start of a D&D campaign with folks I didn't I joined it. My character, Jorge Mordin, has a magical journal. While it doesn't (yet) seem different from a normal journal to him, its one magical property is that it can write back to him. (For those of you who read HP & the Chamber of Secrets, think along the lines of Tom Riddle's diary. Sans the ability to recreate its owner...)

NetBSD 3.1 and 3.0.2 Released 71

hubertf writes, "The NetBSD release engineering team has announced that the NetBSD 3.1 and 3.0.2 releases are now available. NetBSD 3.1 contains many bugfixes, security updates, new drivers, and new features like support for Xen3 DomU. NetBSD 3.0.2 is the second security/critical update of the NetBSD 3.0 release branch which includes a selected subset of fixes deemed critical in nature for stability or security reasons. See the NetBSD 3.1 Release Announcement and the NetBSD 3.0.2 Release Announcement for more information."

Microsoft Considers Pulling Out of China 443

icefaerie writes to let us know that a senior executive for Microsoft has said the firm could pull out of non-democratic countries such as China. From the article: "Fred Tipson, senior policy counsel for the computer giant, said concerns over the repressive regime might force it to reconsider its business in China. 'Things are getting bad... and perhaps we have to look again at our presence there,' he told a conference in Athens."

First NetBSD Bugathon a Success 32

Daniel de Kok writes "Last weekend the first NetBSD Bugathon weekend was organized by Elad Efrat to handle as many open PRs (problem reports) as possible in a weekend, checking and fixing the bugs that were reported. Although the first Bugathon was not announced widely, it was a success: about 30 developers and 20 users closed around 270 PRs, bringing the number of open PRs down from 4200 to less than 4000. The next Bugathon will take place on 7-8 October, and NetBSD users and developers are invited to help fixing bugs and handling PRs."

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