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Comment Re:Its a shame (Score 1) 197

I think it's hilarious

He's jumping ship on the assumption that he will be summarily dismissed.

Because thats how The Trump Administration would do it, an immediate purge of perceived enemies.

Where's the confidence that he actually did a good job and would be retained in his role because of that fact?

Seriously folks: Just because the last employer you "had a great relationship with" (bootlicker!) was a complete ratbag doesn't mean that your new employer is one. Of course one understands the concept of being traumatized from selling your soul to the devil, and then spending the rest of your life assuming everyone is a devil otherwise you'd have to admit you made a horrifically poor life choice.

Comment Re: Another anecdotal "story" (Score 1) 561

... The conservative (Trump) merely suggested it.... You have to do what he says...

You , sir, are a complete idiot and a rabid bootlicker.

Said conservative ALSO said we should inhale BLEACH , and irradiate our lungs with UV in order to "cure coronavirus".

In most countries non-medical professionals giving medial advice get sued out of existence, but Not Donald Trump.

Comment Re:Admitting you're a stupid twat... (Score 1) 561


You KNEW that this infections disease kills people, yet you ignored all the advice, the restrictions, and people died because of your choices.

America is one of the most litigious countries in the world, how is it that after so many months people are not being sued out of existence for willful actions leading to deaths?

Has everyone forgotten that manslaughter is still a crime?

Comment Re:Don't use Facebook (Score 1) 289

Everyone should stop using Facebook.

Oh I wouldn't go that far.

But I WOULD say....

* Facebook has found a way to monetize assholes
* the vast overwhelming number of users on Facebook are assholes
* I for one, already have all the assholes I need in my life (my own, specifically) don't need any more


* I don't Facebook
* I don't do business with businesses who can ONLY be reached through Facebook
* I actively encourage anybody with at least two neurons who thinks of themselves as NOT being an asshole to stop using Facebook (immediately and forever)

... Seriously folks, turn your brain on and vote with your eyeballs ...

because Facebook really is a cancer on society and serves NO actual public need that cannot be easily found elsewhere.

Comment Re:A CTO with no technology knowledget (Score 1) 26

Only four? I think Trump will do anything to stay in office beyond 2024.

How about I am THE PRESIDENT and I am DECLARING A NATIONAL EMERGENCY due to "election influencing irregularities" That is literally all it would take, Trump has already declared and been supported in declaring that "The President Declared an Emergency" Trumps (pun intended) EVERYTHING.

The entirety of America bas ALREADY been bought (or sold, depending on how you look at it) and NONE of you are sane enough to admit it to yourselves.

Comment Re:Emergency service collaboration? (Score 1) 127

This is already A Thing ... BUT

Because "a variety of methods" is used, hilarity ensues.

If only some FEDERAL agency had declared that ONE SPECIFIC METHOD (eg 900MHz radio) would be used, then it'd be a NO BRAINER to make Autonomous Vehicles play nicely with Emergency Services.

Comment CLI has major advantages (Score 2) 159

Sure pointy-clicky is EASY , but you lose so much by not using the CLI.

Once you drive your network devices via CLI you are empowering the Infrastructure-As-Code methodology.

Everything (yes even your router, firewall, load balancer, switch) can be configured by the CLI, via copy-n-paste interactions from A Text File.

Which means
1) The Change File is an exact , complete and literal descriptions of the change being applied
2) Changes can be stored in Version Control (of your choice)
3) Changes can be easily audited (see item #2)
4) Change is easily managed to conform to standards (yours, mine, NIST, CIS, etc)
5) When necessary, reversing the change is MUCH easier (due to #1 and #2)

Comment What are you all whining about? (Score 1) 146

I've had gmail since before the dinosaurs were hatched, and my Gmail uses less than 6GB, and no I don't particularly do anything to purge my email.

Yes I aggressively SPANBIN things
yes I delete emails I no longer need (eg 'promotions/deals' emails once read, notices of events once they're past the date)

but all my "actual conversations with people" emails I keep, forever. I simply to NOT "purge old emails simply because they're old"

the reason why people have HUGE GMAIL STORAGE problems is because they forgot EMAIL IS NOT FILE TRANSFER, YOU PACK OF UNGRATEFUL MORONS.

Comment You're ALL missing the point.... (Score 1) 76

The difference between RETWEET and QUOTE TWEET is trivial and meaningless. This is an opportunity to say "see we did something" while doing nothing.

Those who want a level playing field get SCREWED.

Those who want to be able to CONTINUE propagating VIOLENCE and RACISM, wingnut conspiracies, outright LIES, etc will not be constrained in any meaningful way.

And before any of you ask, no I don't Twitter (twitter is for twits) nor do I book my face, both companies are a CANCER ON SOCIETY and any SANE government would declare them terrorist organizations.

Comment Re:I never understood the cruelty argument (Score 1) 315

Perhaps one should ask oneself, would one rather live a sheltered life of above average longevity, devoid of self determination, or would one rather live a life of one's own choosing, full of uncertainties and possible early death.

Seeing how many people have voted for Trump AND continue to do so .... I think your argument is falling on deaf ears.

Comment Re:I never understood the cruelty argument (Score 1) 315

So displacing habitat for wild animals by fencing off land for cattle, causing the wild animal population to shrink, and replacing them with cattle actually decreases the aggregate amount of animal suffering.

So you're saying you've never seen an American Style "industrial feedlot" for cattle?

Anyone with more than two functional neurons can see those animals are suffering. Not "kill me now" levels of suffering, just "fuck my life" levels.

Ascribing "a happy life" to cattle by disney-fying their last 5 minutes of existence as they walk up your "in a perfect world" description of a slaughterhouse also does nothing to sustain your argument.

Don't get me wrong, I eat meat all the time and I absolutely do NOT advocate that should stop, but even at the MOST PERFECT OF TIMES the way meat-cattle are treated in anything other than "tree hugger/hippy-life small farms" is basically legalized animal abuse.

Our treatment of these animals needs to change, SUBSTANTIALLY. Yes that will make meat more expensive, but to a non-zero extent "we eat more red meat than we should" already, so I'm not seeing a downside.

Bonus points for that meat will be BETTER FOR YOU because antibiotic abuse of cattle in feedlots is ubiquitous.

Seriously folks, COWS EAT GRASS, forcing them to eat ANYTHING ELSE is fucking up their lives and food value in the interest of MORE PROFITS.

Comment More Accurate Than The /. Title (Score 1) 315

More Accurate: The Study showed that "eating read meat gives you cancer" is a essentially meme, inaccurate, a gross oversimplification, has *some* truth to it but nothing is that simple.

Specifically they indicated that the argument "you should eat SIGNIFICANTLY less meat because Eating Read Meat SIGNIFICANTLY increases your cancer risk" is quite simply not backed up by science.

YES there is SOME increase in cancer risk correlated with eating red meat, but it's not worth STRESSING OVER. (seriously folks, too much OXYGEN will kill you, too)

Having said that .... "Meat Eaters Probably Eat More Red Meat Than They Should, Ideally" really actually is true, for all sane values of "we live in the same universe". Current consumption by The Average Citizen of Modern Western Society (American, Australian, etc) is suboptimal in the sense of "too much , not too little", for a variety of reasons.

Eat more _Not_Red_ Meat, seafood, vegetables and fruit really truly is good advice for just about everybody.

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