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User Journal

Journal Journal: Hope College's internet conn sucks 2

I am sick as fuck of this school saying that it cant afford to have more than a 6 Mbaud connection. That is complete bullshit. 2k people sharing 6Mbaud is insane, and CIT won't even let me get a cable modem through comcast, which serves this area. The worst thing about the connection here is that 3Mbaud is reserved for SSL and browser traffic, which means that only 3Mbaud is general purpose. Of course most of that is eaten up by people using p2p applications, meaning that it is impossible to play even the least bandwidth hungry games (like ultima online).
User Journal

Journal Journal: metamod

I seem to have full time metamod now. Everyday I come to /. I get prompted to metamod.
User Journal

Journal Journal: First time with mod points

Today I noticed some strange pull down menus on everyones comments. I had mod points! I do think that the friend/fan/foe/freak/friend of friend/ enemy of friend icons should be disabled while a mod still has mod points. This will discourage favoritism and conflicts of interest. Also, given the amount of very good and very bad posts I think 5 mod points to dole out is not anywhere near enough for a 3 day period.
User Journal

Journal Journal: /. effect

I wonder if its possible to slashdot the inquirer. Or even better combine the slashdotting power of the two news sites by linking to an inq story that links to a 3rd party... Damn, Ive been awake for 36 hours and I dont feel tired at all. Oh well back to my lovely paper on the glorious election of 2002. *sigh*
User Journal

Journal Journal: 1st

I finally made myself a /. acct. I guess I am officially a nerd.

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