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User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot is dead.

First they started temporarily blocking posts by me. Trying to limit posting.
Now they've invented this "history of bad posts" ideology bullshit.
My decades of flawless contribution to slashdot accounts for nothing.
Malda, these assholes have destroyed your platform.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Okay this site has had its communiry moderation cracked.

Apparently it no longer functions as it should.

People simply create massive bot nets to down-vote anything legitimate.

As such, they bury you in the Karma system until your privileges to even post are floored out at maybe 1-2 messages (INCLUDING REPLIES);

And the slashdot staff moderation is unwilling to do anything anymore.

In short, Slashdot is a dead site for anything but griefing.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I am so SICK of brand-fapping.

I guess it's just me, but I find the notion that sound purchase decisions for IT-based solutions can be achieved solely on brand-name recognition by the luddite "general public" is not only insulting, but ridiculous as well.

I mean, YES, there ARE mental defectives out there who will simply buy ANYTHING with a specific brand name on it (*COUGH*APPLE*COUGH*). But using that to gauge technical merit of a purchase?

Again, I'm not saying that various-and-sundry intellectual cripples don't do this. But I'd like to think that the rest of the people researching solutions, or making the purchase decisions are at LEAST making the attempt to inform themselves before making a purchase decision.

Whether this means they go with *INSERT BRAND HERE* or *INSERT ANOTHER BRAND HERE*, doesn't make a bit of difference. Merely that they made an informed choice (even if the information was wrong/incomplete/biased).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Putzing around with the Slashdot options.

Been a while since I've looked into my preferences section. Indeed, I'm somewhat surprised at the host of options available to me now.

Quite cool in fact.

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: #44 Zebras are colored with dark stripes on a light background.
