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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Isn't Duke Nukem Forever coded in Perl 6?  *Tuesday December 20, 2005 @04:12PM 1 1
   attached to Larry Wall on Perl 6
Dvorak is behind the times  *Tuesday May 17, 2005 @02:33PM  1
   attached to Dvorak on the LinuxWorld Fracas
Problematic for nonstandard time systems  *Thursday April 07, 2005 @05:28PM 1 1
   attached to Daylight Savings Change Proposed
We should pool our cash  *Monday January 10, 2005 @05:29PM  1
   attached to Man Auctions Forehead Advertising on eBay
Re:Sorry, links to Bugzilla from Slashdot are disa  *Thursday July 08, 2004 @06:47PM 1 2, Informative
   attached to Mozilla/Firefox Bug Allows Arbitrary Program Execution
Re:Easy Solution  *Friday June 25, 2004 @06:00PM  1
   attached to Fingerprint Scanners Still Easy to Fool
DSRC goodies and the last mile  *Tuesday April 13, 2004 @06:12PM  1
   attached to RFID for Automobile Tracking
Waitaminute  *Thursday April 01, 2004 @04:38PM  1, Funny
   attached to Google's Copernicus Center
Re:#!/bin/bash  *Wednesday March 31, 2004 @07:52PM  1
   attached to Poll: Name of the '#' symbol?
Re:1 in 7 :)  *Tuesday March 23, 2004 @11:22AM  1
   attached to The Unhappy World of IT Professionals
Sounds like a good way...  *Friday January 09, 2004 @06:31PM  1
   attached to RIAA Takes the Fight to the Streets
Better one color  *Friday January 09, 2004 @07:18PM  1
   attached to Colorization of Mars Images?
Every year that goes by...  *Monday January 05, 2004 @01:44PM 3 1
   attached to Stallman On Free Software and GNU's 20th birthday
"tales from the net"  *Friday December 05, 2003 @04:54PM  1
   attached to JenniCam Closing After 7+ Years
Re:Excellent  *Monday November 17, 2003 @06:16PM  1
   attached to Rekall Now Available Under GPL
They had this before, it was called RTF  *Monday November 17, 2003 @06:27PM  1
   attached to Microsoft Word Document ML Schemas Published
Thanks for the helpful and :P to the haters  *Wednesday November 12, 2003 @10:06PM  3, Insightful
   attached to Weblogging from Various Ends of the Earth?
I see London, I see France  *Friday October 31, 2003 @04:50PM  0, Troll
   attached to Assorted Bits of Halloween
With the "little dot" logo...  *Wednesday October 29, 2003 @08:30PM  1
   attached to Should Hackers Get Their Own Logo?
Re:Counter attacks don't work  *Tuesday October 28, 2003 @11:59AM  1
   attached to Using Honeypots to Fight Worms
Don't go knocking the "Space Pen"...  *Friday October 24, 2003 @09:55AM  2, Interesting
   attached to Writing in Space with a Cheap Ballpoint Pen
"har har har" -- read the article, dummy  *Tuesday October 21, 2003 @02:48PM 1 1
   attached to VIA-based Mobile Robot Design For Download
die if (perl_cookbook == 'poop')  *Tuesday October 14, 2003 @04:06PM 2 1
   attached to The Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition
Re:99% of machinima copies the plot of Quake II  *Thursday July 10, 2003 @02:44PM  1
   attached to Machinima Invade Hollywood's Turf?

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
