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Journal Journal: Alaska nominates Begict over Ted "tubes" Stevens

Ted Stevens, the now notorious Alaska governor known to the Slashdot community for his "series of tubes" comments regarding the inner-workings of the internet and more recently for his being found guilty of 7 counts of fraud, fell victim to a narrow defeat by Mark Begich.

This is the first time since the early 80's that an Alaskan senate seat has been filled by a democrat.
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Journal Journal: Open source or Semi-open source development project

So here I am with a great idea for an online MMORPG with no company to implement it. I was a bit put off at first, but I soon realized that with a bit of ingenuity I may be able to pull this off.

Here's the idea: The game will be developed under almost a stock share system except you don't buy the shares, you code for them. Depending on the difficulty of the task including the amount of lines coded, the difficulty of the task, the level of knowledge needed, the hours taken etc. an amount of shares are given. Upon completion of the game I would like to see it implemented in a similar fashion to the game Silkroad Online which is free (or cheap) to download and play, but there are certain items in the game which are only available in an online store which make the game easier/faster/more fun/etc. however, I would not be opposed to getting the game published if the offer is both decent and on the table. Regardless of what happens, the decision of what to do would be handled by a vote based on shares and any profit would be split among shareholders.

I am going to write up a design doc for the game in general, but I know I will need developers in C++, OpenGL/DirectX, SQL along with 3D modelers. If anyone is interested in potential development shoot me an email at and hopefully this will get off the ground. I will throw a copy of the design doc back to you. Even if we only start with just a couple people, the coder base will grow as time goes on. Keep in mind that even if this doesn't go anywhere it would be great on a resume especially if you keep your code segments.

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