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Re:Hindsight?  *Thursday February 20, 2014 @12:03PM  1
   attached to Math Models Predicted Global Uprisings
This is what happens..  *Wednesday February 12, 2014 @10:29AM  1
   attached to Majority of Young American Adults Think Astrology Is a Science
Time to reinvent Swatch time!  *Wednesday March 20, 2013 @01:46PM  1
   attached to Is Daylight Saving Time Worth Saving?
Re:Well you know...  *Wednesday September 19, 2012 @09:47AM  1
   attached to How Big Pharma Hooked America On Legal Heroin
Re:Actually, here's another idea  *Wednesday March 21, 2012 @11:47AM  1
   attached to The Numbers Behind the Copyright Math
I'm sorry, that's impossible.  *Thursday December 29, 2011 @11:54AM  1
   attached to Insects Rapidly Becoming Resistant To GM Corn
Re:$100 or $150 may be low cost...$265?  *Wednesday December 08, 2010 @12:30PM 1 1
   attached to AMD Releases Three New Low-Cost CPUs
Re:MacBook Pros require high rez option to get mat  *Tuesday July 20, 2010 @12:43PM 1 1
   attached to Does Anyone Really Prefer Glossy Screens?
Re:... but not if  *Tuesday January 05, 2010 @02:24PM  1
   attached to Can Imaging Technologies Save Us From Terrorists?
What do they always say when this happens???  *Friday December 11, 2009 @01:00PM  1
   attached to Three Lawmakers Ask For Enforcement Against Leak Sites
Re:Temporary workaround  *Wednesday December 09, 2009 @10:04AM  1
   attached to Saboteur Launch Plagued By Problems With ATI Cards
I run into this at work all the time...  *Monday November 16, 2009 @05:53PM  1
   attached to Are There Affordable Low-DPI Large-Screen LCD Monitors?
Re:My experience  *Monday November 09, 2009 @11:11AM 1 1
   attached to Reporting To Executives
I remember using...  *Thursday October 29, 2009 @04:45PM 4 2, Informative
   attached to How To Enter Equations Quickly In Class?
Re:D&D  *Friday October 02, 2009 @12:12PM  1
   attached to Initial Reviews of Google Wave; Neat, but Noisy
Re:It was the year 2001, that's when.  *Monday September 28, 2009 @03:26PM  1
   attached to Has the Glory Gone Out of Working In IT?
Re:Dear Westerners, please leave Iran alone..  *Monday September 28, 2009 @01:53PM  1
   attached to Iran's Nuclear Ambitions
Re:Blowtorch!  *Monday August 17, 2009 @10:11AM  1
   attached to The Homemade Hard Disk Destroyer
Re:Don't support the middlemen.  *Tuesday August 11, 2009 @10:10AM  1
   attached to Music Labels Working On Digital Album Format
Re:Better than red dye, apparently  *Tuesday July 28, 2009 @03:43PM  1
   attached to Dye Used In Blue M&Ms Can Lessen Spinal Injury
Motor City Online  *Tuesday July 28, 2009 @10:19AM 1 1
   attached to Which Game Series Would You Reboot?
Re:off the top of my head  *Thursday July 09, 2009 @10:06AM  1
   attached to What's the Importance of Graphics In Video Games?
Re:Tabletop RPG's have the same divide  *Wednesday July 08, 2009 @11:08AM  1
Re:dev perspective: MMOs not made to challenge pla  *Wednesday July 08, 2009 @11:05AM  1
   attached to The Dilemma of Level vs. Skill In MMOs

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
