Comment My wife died of cancer, I understand the donations (Score 1) 348
We were insured by Blue Shield when my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. Every month they would deny some claims, once almost all of them. I filed grievances of course, but didn't see any payments on the denied claims I contested during the six months before she died. Then after she died they tried to say they owed nothing because she wasn't insured with them anymore. It was like climbing Everest without oxygen - a constant struggle to keep going after them, spending hours on the phone every month with no results.
During that time the doctors and hospitals had to be paid for her treatments and two surgeries. Essentially it was costing us an average of $20,000+ a month in unpaid claims. A few more months and we would be in trouble financially. Fortunately, a friend pf ours is a journalist with a national news company. She contacted Blue Shield asking some pointed questions on our behalf and that had some effect. I didn't get all the money I felt the insurance company owed but I did get about 60% eventually, in dribs and drabs over the months later.
I switched to Kaiser and I've had zero problems so far.