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Submission + - Websites across Australia go dark after apparent CrowdStrike update (

labnet writes: Millions of people across Australia have been affected by major outages across multiple businesses, affecting banks, airlines and media outlets.

Around 3pm on Friday, computers across the country began shutting down with multiple workers reporting issues at multiple different businesses.

The issue comes from a "bluescreen error" which is a result of a Crowdstrike outage, with servers and devices getting stuck in "boot loops".

Multiple media organisations reported issues with networks, including the ABC, SBS, Channel 7, Channel 9 and News Corp Australia.

Comment Yeah, nah... (Score 1) 57

Not Salesforce, but for another vendor where we had mandatory office "learning" - workmates and I would screenshot-the-heck out of these type of forced educations and then email the screenshots and answers around the office. Personally, I found such forced learning akin to some kind of torture, leaving a negative opinion of that vendor permanently in my mind.

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