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Comment Re:Incredible irony (Score 1) 30

This NY based law has nothing to do with the FCC. NY has a long history of price control (section 396-r) it's about the only thing they get right for low income family housing.

The new broadband law is just using nearly 100 years of price control as a legal benchmark which any reasonable federal court would honor (and they did) SCOTUS is unlikely to even rule on this as it's fair and legal. Not everything is about the belt way.

Comment Re:"protecting US critical infrastructure"? (Score 1) 16

No one runs them together or 'in series'. The point is to segment large networks apart the firewalls are literal walls between transit layer hardware (routers/switches). All firewalls are ran in same vendor HA pairs and are connected together by router and switch stacks. You could have router/switch stacks that talk between different vendor firewalls but they will never be connected directly together that is pointless, two doors are never nailed together they are on different walls of the room.

Even in the case of a super nat connecting very large fortune 50's multiple 10.x space's you have two firewall pairs with a router pair in between.

Comment Re:Suggestion: be proactive (Score 1) 16

Your under the illusion that enterprise security vendor's are not being proactive.
All enterprise firewalls are updated daily, sometimes multiple times a day for threat and malware protection.

What the article isn't telling you is Sophos is a mid grade British vendor that's about at the same level as a Barracuda or Fortigate firewall, not enterprise level.
The scandal isn't that a security company got hit by a zero day that took two days to fix. It's that there are US based companies using foreign products.

Comment Re:"protecting US critical infrastructure"? (Score 1) 16

No one HA pairs different vendor firewalls together.

1.) All hardware vendor's are proprietary even if they use open source code.
2.) All of the hardware back-planes are vastly different.

You'll never see a Palo Alto and Cisco FTD HA paired together. It's best practice and cost efficient to use a next gen (layer 7) Palo Alto pair as your expensive edge wall and then something like a Juno or Checkpoint (layer 3) pair as an internal set to wall of network segments and then something else for your external VPN segment.

Comment Re:Global cooperation, right (Score 1) 28

You forgot to site the single SpringerOpen study everyone sites for that statistic which does not give an actual percentage your just making up the 50% number.
Even better it's a computer model with no actual real world testing behind it. But feel free to stand on your ethical high horse looking like a moron.

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