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Comment Re:Because the actual design work (Score 1) 43

Actually you can't since you just pulled that shit out of thin air and is/was completely wrong so "Nonsense." is all that is needed there.

The reason Boeing is failing is that SpaceX designed there system from the ground up without NASA and it shows in the Falcon 9 launch cadence verses whatever Boeing is not doing. The days of big Aerospace riding NASA's coattails is over not only for them but for NASA as well as they are not even close to what they used to be ether.

Comment Re:If headline asks a question then the answer is. (Score 1) 36

Network gear (route/switch/firewall) is on a 5 year EOL cycle.
You can get a bit more out of hardware load balancers (F5/A10) but not allot 6-7 at most before back-plane advances makes them obsolete.
Servers at best are 3-4 years depending on storage interfaces.

That's a mid to large DC, your standard tiny company hardware lifespan is 3 years and done.

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