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Journal Journal: Follow-up to the Propane==Danger discussion

The other night I saw the MythBusters(Danger Will Robinson! Flash _everywhere_ at to mix air & gasoline fumes and get their mix to ignite. They hadda work awfully hard, and the resulting "explosion" somewhat nonviolently flattened their plexiglass-and-duct-tape enclosure. I'll write to them and see if they'd be interested in trying it with Propane. Any reader actually _conducting_ such an experiment is invited to report his results, or at least link to them, here.

Also the Teutuls had their carburetor builder hang around and _make_sure_ his fireplug carburetor fed the Fire bike properly. The carburetor is obviously the touchiest part of an initial custom bike lightup.

Even in something _designed_ to burn gasoline, it doesn't always go easily.

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