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Comment Re:Take that ya bitches (Score 1) 41

It would be hard to OD on it considering there are no endocannabinoid receptors in the brain stem, so basically zero chance of it knocking out your central nervous system. Definitely fucks with other parts of the brain though, but not in a way that can e.g. cause you to stop breathing, stop your heartbeat, etc.

Theoretically the only way it could even knock you out at all would be the sheer volume of it fucking with your blood chemistry by a substantial amount, which given it mostly binds to lipoproteins. This is obviously the only reason backslashdot hasn't died yet.

Comment Re: It's not about replacing programmers (Score 1) 56

I don't know what precisely insinuating.

But I know why your are only insinuating it: if you say something concrete, you know I'll ask you to provide some sort of evidence which we both know will be missing. So you know put up or shut up.

Nope, these aren't weasel words. What else can you think of that speaks authoritatively about topics it provably doesn't understand and even gives ridiculously false information about? This shouldn't be hard at all but I still have to point out the obvious, so here you go:

Anyway there's lots of different software engineering and programming and they are IMO distinct.

Nobody is going to write code to solve a problem that they don't understand. If they do, then they're a terrible developer. He's falling into the old Marx trope where factory workers only ever see a tiny part of the overall product. While that may work in an assembly line, you can't engineer any solution that way. Even if you build a smaller subsystem or module for a larger project, if everybody on the team doesn't understand the entire thing, you're going to deliver a shitty result, hence nobody does it this way, at least not deliberately. It just shows that Marxists such as rsilvergun use very obsolete thinking. Regardless, you both are apparently speaking about a topic you have little knowledge of. So strike my previous comment; it applies to you as well.

Comment Re:So a lot of people realized ... (Score 1) 50

He means takeout as opposed to a poor dine-in experience. It's odd reading this summary being called "curious" when the summary buries the real stat at the end, people are spending less time to pick up their food at these not-restaurants which frees the CS workers to help out with other tasks, that's the curious efficiency boost.

Comment Re: It's not about replacing programmers (Score 1) 56

He strikes me as someone with experience

He literally claimed that the job of a programmer is to just go through tickets that all have instructions to write a function with specific inputs and outputs. While that may be your experience, it definitely isn't mine. In fact, in my experience, we, the software engineers, talk with the customers and users directly and define the problem that we then decide how to best solve, which may or may not even involve writing code at all, or it may involve writing entirely new projects from scratch. And he believes AI will replace all of that.

Anyways that wasn't my point. Do you notice anything familiar, anything at all, about the way he talks about these things? If not, then you're just as bad as he is to be honest.

Comment Re: How convenient (Score 1) 63

None of those links make a particularly good case. Either they aren't trying to make that case at all, or they (and this is the weird part) associate individual liberties and free markets with fascism. If anything, those are very anti-fascist. You've already made it clear that you're opposed to individualism, which makes you much more of a fascist than any of these guys.

You also take common cause with people who terrorize others by painting swastikas on and/or firebombing their property, and who will gun down a guy in cold blood even though his victim had absolutely nothing to do (nor did anybody in similar positions) with why he couldn't get his surgery.

You know why you think you see fascists everywhere? Because there's always one in sight every time you see your own reflection.

Comment Re: How convenient (Score 0) 63

Sounds like how convenient it was that the agency investigating the ongoing crashes and deaths involving Tesla vehicles was gutted.

Then he did it too late considering they already published their report:

Basically they're not saying Teslas are unsafe, rather they're saying that the self driving features aren't doing enough to keep the drivers engaged.

Interesting, that Tesla takedown site run by Alex Winter (Bill of Bill and Ted) looks to this little nugget:

Honestly the numbers there seem pretty low for ANY manufacturer to have. Particularly considering many of these seem to be causes unrelated to the car at all. For example, the other driver was at fault. Notably, FSD, which has been out since 2016, has a whopping two deaths associated with it. If this is supposed to convince people that these are unsafe cars, it's doing a pretty terrible job of it.

More importantly, when I see you guys going around spray painting swastikas on Teslas, it doesn't make me think Tesla drivers or even Elon Musk are nazis. In fact, drawing swastikas (which is a stylized double-s, for "state socialism", by the way) is exactly what the real Nazis did to anything they didn't like. Oh a Jew owns that business? Better put a swastika on it to terrorize them into capitulating to our demands. Now you guys go around throwing Molotov cocktails and incendiary bombs into the mix, I can't help but think -- nay, observe -- that the real Nazis aren't the ones making or driving Teslas.

What is this, the lead up to your kristallnacht?

Comment Re:AI is Creating Knowledge (Score 1) 75

The list of shit you have asserted with absolute confidence that don't survive 12 seconds of of research is longer than this thread. You're basically a fucking meme.

I think he has dysexecutive syndrome. A while back he told me that he's tired of getting kicked in the face (his actual words) by his employers. Probably sulcal cavitation in his frontal lobe.

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