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Comment Re:What a great way... (Score 1) 271

Well since USB 1.1 is based on the standard for USB and since the law wouldn't stifle development of the this standard, we wouldn't be 'stuck' with 1.1. We would whatever version that the industry had developed. Who know how far USB could have gone if this law was in effect 10 years ago.

But what said you shouldn't be tagged as a troll. It wasn't a trolling. It was a valid comment. Doesn't matter if we all agree. This isn't a case of fact vs fiction. It is a discussion regarding the "potential" impact of a law on innovation.

And an argument can easily be made that if we lock ourselves into one standard we could miss out on a potential tech that would work better.

It's my experience that the industry is already consolidating on USB and whether or not this is actually the case, I would expect that all devices will eventually use a common connector or charge platform simply based on consumer demand and economics. But then again I've been expecting that for years.


Comment Re: Elon couldn't come sooner (Score 1) 216

Wow - still on this. Yes. I can blame the business and not the scientist that were hired to make these drugs. It still isn't a valid comparison to the topic at hand.

Blah blah blag...scientist are people too...wow...big revelation. And so are soldiers, politicians, and every other broad group of employed people. Doesn't change my previous points: it's ignorant to think that all scientist (because if you lump in climate and pharma you probably mean ALL) globally are in a cabal to bilk money from everyone around the world. That's as dumb as qanon.

You obviously have no intent of ever considering the other side of the argument or even attempt to think critically, so, to use your words, are "too ignorant" to think your way out of an open cardboard box and any further 'discussion' is pointless.

Comment Re: Elon couldn't come sooner (Score 1) 216

Yeah...you've stated the pharma industry previously. It doesn't provide any proof that all climate scientists are on the take. Pharms pays it's own researchers / scientist to come up with 'new' (whole 'nother topic) drugs. I agree we have an opioid problem but that's from the business (sales) side of pharma. They're the ones making money off of the addicts they created.

And a few billion dollars from big-oil in your representatives pocket help keep this insane argument going. There is no global conspiracy among scientist from all over the world to bilk us of our money. They understand that prevention is key to saving lives and money in the long haul.

What confounds me is how this narrative continues even after the mountains of evidence. Probably because we aren't willing to look at alternative source of information.

The same folks that would stand up to global terrorism with heroic zeal seem to want to hide their heads in the sand with regard climate change. All the bravery and will that could be harnessed to help is turned into...well...denial.

Or maybe it's just a reluctance to accept the truth that we need to change the way we do things in order to protect the environment that supports us.
Maybe we just don't care about those folks who will be the most impacted by these changes.

Thanks for the discussion.

Comment Re: Elon couldn't come sooner (Score 2) 216

Great argument...wheres the proof? We have volumes of climate change data that's reviewed by scientist all over the world. Where is all the evidence that scientists are involved in a global conspiracy and on the take? (We could call it 'climanon' LOL)

Wouldn't it be more likely that the folks telling you climate change isn't real are on the dole of oil companies...where all the money is?


Comment Re:Elon couldn't come sooner (Score 2) 216

Why? Because when there's +95% consensus, the other 5% are 100% wrong? Where have I heard that before? Oh, I guess Earth is flat. Jail for you, Galileo! And what about papers like the recent one that found things may not be as bad as we thought they were? I guess Twitter doesn't want that paper on its platform, because? You guessed it. It's a private company and can do what it wants.

Consensus among the scientific community is different...of course you know this but you would prefer to push your own agenda.
If 95% of the scientist involved in climate science agree, then yes, the other 5% are wrong until an alternative hypothesis is developed and proved. This won't happen.
Science is iterative and is built upon the foundations of previous work. There may be new findings that change our deeper understanding but it won't change the overall picture.
Also, citing a 'paper' without any reference just reinforces my opinion of your intent. What is this 'paper'? Has it been scientifically reviewed by a reputable set of peers. Was it published in a broadly accepted journal?


United States

SEC Scrutinizes NFT Market Over Illegal Crypto Token Offerings (bloomberg.com) 8

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is scrutinizing creators of NFTs and the crypto exchanges where they trade to determine if some of the assets run afoul of the agency's rules, Bloomberg News reported Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter. From the report: A focus of the probe is on whether certain nonfungible tokens, digital assets that can be used to denote ownership of things like a painting or sports memorabilia, are being utilized to raise money like traditional securities, said the people. Over the past several months, attorneys in the SEC's enforcement unit have sent subpoenas demanding information about the token offerings. The inquiry is the latest attempt by the SEC under Chair Gary Gensler to ensure the crypto market adheres to its regulations. In February, the commission and state regulators levied a record $100 million fine against BlockFi, a popular virtual-currency exchange, for failing to register products that pay customers high interest rates to lend out their digital tokens.

Comment Re:If only there was another way... (Score 1) 156

Trees are being planted but cannot, by themselves, make up the difference in the amount of CO2 being released. Additionally, trees need environmental conditions to grow which limits the geographic areas that could be planted.

It would be nice to find a single elegant solution to the issue but it's probably going to be a combination of solutions.

Alternatives to sequestration exist but are less feasible (think engineering and cost).
These include;
    * Space based solar shading (complex and expensive engineering requiring large (albeit light) orbital structures with long-term and redundant station-keeping capabilities)
    * Terrestrial IR radiation solutions (captures broad band IR, converts it into small-band IR that can be radiated through the atmosphere bypassing the CO2 altogether)

Neither of these remove CO2 but deal directly with the thermal radiation component.

I'm sure there are other potential solutions but the point is we have the technical know-how and the costs are 'cheap' enough to implement sequestration now. Just like trees...even a little is better than nothing and may help buy us time until more impactful and long term solutions become viable.

My 2 bits.

Comment Re:More people died from COVID this year... (Score 1) 184

Than in 2020 and this is with the vaccines... Many of these deaths, the majority, were people that were vaccinated... Good Job fellow humans!

No point responding directly to your false statements but...you really need to stop watching OAN and Fox, let go of your confirmation bias, and embrace some critical thinking skills.

Comment Re:Slippery slope of censorship (Score 0) 151

We already have laws that govern 'free speech' when it causes harm. This is no different and is not a 'slippery slope'. It's actually quite simple...if you traffic in misinformation that harms individuals, groups, or society, then you need to be held accountable. If you provide a platform for information sharing then you are equally responsible for the content.

Comment Free speech should not be falsehoods and lies. (Score 0) 401

Regardless of your party affiliation free speech doesn't mean free of responsibility, free to state lies, and free to incite.

These platforms hide under the umbrella of free speech to absolve them of any liability or responsibility for what is said. This needs to be addressed. They make enough money to find a way. I don't know what the ultimate solution will end up looking like but there needs to be a solution even if that means these companies are shut down.

I don't know where the idea that free speech means we can say anything about anyone/anything with impunity. It doesn't. And the falsehoods do no service to the people that believe them nor society as a whole.

Additionally we need to find a way to get the conspiracy believing populous to learn basic critical thinking skill, to look for sources of information outside of the editorial story tellers pretending they are news sources, to actually spend the time and brain power to validate or disprove the theory.

Yes...responsibility lies with both the publisher and reader.

Comment Re:Dragons, not aliens. (Score 1) 75

I sold one of them a high powered radio transmitter a few years ago and I think he finally made it the edge of the Outer Celestial Realm of The Great Sphere.

Any of the above being true is more likely than that radio broadcast is "Aliens".

Oh! I disagree!
I think both possibilities are equally likely! :-)

Comment Re:Believe what you want to believe (Score 2) 355

Not a lack of empathy. Beliefs that tied to ignorance, misunderstanding, and outright lies, need to be confronted for what they are...false and dangerous. You have a right to express them but that doesn't make them correct.

I have empathy for those who are unemployed and on the verge of losing everything because of people (leaders, press, average folk) who were unwilling or incapable of critical thinking, researching the facts, and creating a plan of action. I have empathy for the sick, for the families of those that have died, and for the healthcare workers dealing with covid-19.

I'm not empathetic to those that fear the facts, hide behind the flag of liberty and truth, that when the opportunity presented, could have kept our country safe and economically sound but chose to pretend that nothing was happening, and have lead us to the brink.

So enjoy you ignorant bliss. Revel in the fact that your 'beliefs' and those of the president, have gotten us to nearly 150,000 ( https://epidemic-stats.com/cor...) deaths with more to come, has pushed state budgets over edge ( https://www.economist.com/unit... ), and has pushed the US economic growth rate into the negative ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/m... ).

Your nihilist view of 'everyone is going to get it' is ignorant. Put a mask ( https://www.mayoclinic.org/dis... ) on and quit whining about it. You think people are more afraid of mask than the virus.

And if your last resort to quell the facts is the ammo box....well good luck.

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