Greenpeace and other environmental groups have staged vocal protests against the plan, including by dropping a banner down the front of the Reichstag building Friday. They argue that the government's road map won't reduce Germany's greenhouse gas emissions fast enough to meet the targets set out in the Paris climate accord.
Is it really necessary to mention "Greenpeace and other environmental groups" ?
The W.H.O. 's integrity is certainly suspect
It certainly isn't. A pandemic shall not be transformed to a polemic.
I've been reading reactions at comment pages, and they remind me of how AMD fanboys reacted here at Slashdot many years ago when the first story about Core2 was published. They too didn't appreciate the news and the change of times they would entail. For me personally, a well-sized group of annoyed fanboys is an even stronger endorsement.
But its nice to see Torvalds being excited with his hardware.
Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him.