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Submission + - Free Apps Eat Your Smartphone Battery ( 1

judgecorp writes: "Here's a reason to pay for smartphone apps. The free versions can spend three times as much energy finding and serving ads as they do on their actual job. Research from a Purdue university scientist found that as much as 75 percent of the energy used by free apps goes on accessing location services, finding suitable adverts and displaying them."

Comment Re:Warrant only applies to France (Score 1) 259

Where do you see drug testing is carried out by rival teams? During the off-season teams test their own cyclists and will somtimes dismiss cyclists based on this. Tom Boonen was caught by testing within his team. Tour De France testing is centrally regulated, so if you hit the cycling big time then you need to hide it from doctors associated with no teams.

Comment Re:Landis grew up a Mennonite (Score 1) 259

I can't help but feel like after this long, no sane person would still be proclaiming innocence if it wasn't true at all.

Of course if you think that only people who have protested this long were innocent then surely it makes sense for a guilty person to keep denying until the ends of the earth. In the end it's hard to tell using this sort of metric if someone is guilty or not. Sometimes liars will deny it until they're blue in the face, and sometimes innocent people will give up early when they feel there is no chance of people believing them.

Comment Re:PROOF! (Score 1) 284

Except something like Vista isn't comparable directly to Linux as it's like Linux + KDE + a bunch of other things. I'm not surprised no-one knows how all those things link together, it's a much larger scale codebase with a much wider set of design goals than Linux.

Comment Re:Percentage? (Score 1) 333

I'm much to lazy to do the math. Let's round up - 4k errors per year has to be a vanishingly small percentage for a system that is up 24/7/365, or 5 nines. The fact that these DIMMs were "stressed" makes me wonder about the validity of the test. Heat stress, among other things, will multiply errors far beyond what you will see in normal service.

Except it depends on how the modules were originally tested. The study is saying that they break more than previously thought, rather than they break a lot. If they were originally tested in a stressed system similar to Googles and Google is finding that they have far more errors than they should then their study is still valid.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
