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Comment Re:Russian Oligarchs (Score 2) 6

There is literally another story on /. right now about how people are getting tracked using crypto right here:-

People in that thread are having a moan how it is now so hard to cover stuff up.

Now in this thread you are complaining about how it can be used for untraced transactions by Russian Oligarchs.

We should all come to a consensus, is this a good thing or a bad thing because /. cannot seem to make it's mid up.

Comment Re:Then take the "cyber" garbage OUT! (Score 1) 63

The auto industry has argued making such tools more widely available could come with cybersecurity and vehicle safety risks

Yes, they have already made the case that having the right to repair will probably lead to people getting stalked and raped. Interesting logic.

Somehow I think they are just making excuses though.

Comment Re:It's a stretch to call cryptocurrencies a victi (Score 1) 36

If you think the exchanges the money people behind cryptocurrency aren't fully aware of what the majority of the currencies they mine and create or being used for then I don't really know what to say to you. That's a level of naivety that's hard to imagine for anyone on slashdot.

If you think you can make such sweeping statements about the majority of crypto holders without an ounce of evidence to back your story up it is not me who is nieve.

You cannot seriously believe that people get into crypto with the express purpose to ride the crypto ransomware do you? i.e. they sit down and think "how can I get my hands on some of that ransomware money". Anyways, lets see the data to backup your assumptions.

Comment Re:The real culprit (Score 2) 36

Yep. We really don't do enough blaming of victims.

Time for that to change.

Anything is better than blaming the responsible people so yeah, let's blame the victims, the currency... hell there is plenty of blame to go around, just as long as we don't solve the problem everything will be OK.

Comment Re:How is this infrastructure (Score 1) 25

Ok - what isn't infrastructure?

From the deffinition:

the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
"the social and economic infrastructure of a country"

So, your personal swimming pool is not infultructure but a public one is. The same goes for financial services as well, the ability to make transactions between parties is infrastructure while your personal bank balance isn't (a lot of politicians fall over on this one).

Comment Re:How is this infrastructure (Score 2) 25

The long and short of it is that money service (banking, remittances etc) ARE more defiantly infrastructure in any countries economy.

The issue with the bill as written is that what they are asking for crypto to do in the infrastructure bill just isn't possible & worded like a maze.

Comment Re:So awful... it's galvanizing (Score 2) 33

Yes, that would be most cathartic, wouldn't it? We can always justify the most horrific acts when they are done for the right reasons, right?

Hay, if they don't want their rights impinged they should not go around trying to impinge the rights of others.

As the old saying goes "your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of someone else's nose".

Comment Re:“Mandates vaccines” (Score 1) 146

Is it anyone else or does putting things in quote marks like "the science" give the impression that someone has watched to much fox news (or whatever propaganda channel you're watching atm) where it is a regular occurance and even the opinion hosts mimic it when they say it via hand signals?

I suppose the "good thing" about this "COVID" is that it makes them far more likely to get it and be dealt to by a "Darwin Award" thereby reducing the general populous of the "Conspiracy Theorist's".... The bonus is that it will be a "good thing" if the "flat earthers" and the "5G" people (there all seem to be "the same" these days) all get the same "Darwin Award".

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