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Comment Re:... with government funds and subsidized chargi (Score 1) 311

The goal is to put a solar canopy over them to help power the station. Probably once the onsite batteries are charged, they'd even be able to make money on some of the lesser used routes. It's not so bad when you're wasting solar panel since it's going to waste anyways.

Battery swapping may seem like a common sense idea, but the technology in batteries isn't there that we can have a small enough batter package that can be robust enough to be swapped.

Comment Nice and snappy on a netbook (Score 3, Interesting) 185

I was looking for a new distro to upgrade an old netbook and installed the RC this weekend (with MATE desktop). It started out a little shakey as the keyboard didn't work, and the mouse wouldn't click (due to a hardware issue and trackpad clicks not enabled), but after a restart and some mouse settings, it's nice and snappy.

Previously had Ubuntu netbook remix and tried Ubuntu with Unity, but that was just so awkward to use with a tiny screen and trackpad, and somewhat sluggish when web browsing.

I'd never tried Linux Mint or MATE in the past, but it seems to be a good combination for a low power computer.

Comment Re:What exactly is their business plan? (Score 1) 191

The Opera button was in place before firefox cloned it (available in a a weekly build).

The current version seems to be just the basics of getting webkit working in a browser - there aren't a lot of the features Opera is known for, but even this stripped down version could be useful for someone looking for a lightweight browser

Comment Re:Nice. (Score 1) 446

That's a legitimate way of thinking for someone with a twisted mind. The people committing terrorists attacks might be cutting down on the tax base and sending a message to the voters that elected people that made decisions to attack their countries. Of course a reasonable terrorist (oxymoron) would attack an area that voted for the people pushing the wars or attack targets that more directly related.

Comment Re:Nice. (Score 2, Informative) 446

Taxes aren't stealing - they're part of an agreement you've made with the government by continuing to live in the country.

In Solyndra's case the tax money was used to invest in a superior type of solar panel technology that ultimately turned out to cost more than the heavily subsidized Chinese solar panels. I guess the government could just stick to blowing people up, but I'd much rather prefer all the new technology and progress.

Comment Re:What are the potential savings? (Score 1) 141

Well there's the lighting costs which although are fairly small, count for something.

The datacenter can have a lot taller rooms - less pesky ceilings to install.

Presumably the robots can move faster than a human, so less time walking around locating the correct rack/server. I imagine they wouldn't be able to solve all problems, but they might be able to bring an entire server to a place where a human could be repairing it (much like robotic inventory/library systems do).

It's possible there could be some security savings. If people are restricted from entering at all, then there would be less need to secure servers individually.

Data Center Managers Weary of Whittling Cooling Costs 198

Nerval's Lobster writes that a survey from the Uptime Institute "suggests something it calls 'green fatigue' is setting in when it comes to making data centers greener. 'Green fatigue' is exactly as it sounds: managers are getting tired of the increasingly difficult race to chop their PUE, or Power Usage Effectiveness. The PUE is a measure of a data center's efficiency. The lower the PUE, the better — and Microsoft and Google, with nearly limitless resources, have set the bar so high (or low, depending on your perspective) that it's making less-capitalized firms frustrated. Just a few years ago, the Uptime Institute estimated that the average PUE of a data center was around 2.4, which meant for every dollar of electricity to power a data center, $1.4 dollars were spent to cool it. That dropped to 1.8 recently, an improvement to be sure. But then you have companies such as Google and Microsoft building data centers next to rivers for cheap hydroelectric power in remote parts of the Pacific Northwest and reporting insanely low PUEs (below 1.1 in some cases). The Institute latest survey of data center operators shows only 50 percent of respondents in North America said they considered energy efficiency to be very important to their companies, down from 52 percent last year and 58 percent in 2011."

Comment Re: Only right use of an Executive Order I've seen (Score 4, Insightful) 94

Right...a confusing and hostile situation (which the President and staff clearly botched) that happened over an evening is comparable to a planned out and very public taking of American's rights?

It might be fun to jump on the whole government conspiracy bandwagon, but the two situations are in no way comparable. There are a lot of questions about Benghazi and some answers may seem obvious now in retrospect, but the Japanese Interment was clearly wrong.

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