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Comment Idiotic point (Score 1) 179

This is the same with Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, BBM, and all the rest. At least I can copy my iPhone's messages to a PC and archive them.

Apple's security documents show just how secure it actually is, with iMessage using public key cryptography. Are we going to also complain that PGP locks you in too now?

Comment Interesting (Score 1) 523

And where were they when Bush was caught doing this in 2005? They voted to legalize it after Bush was caught doing it.

It's still illegal, but seeing them suddenly complain about it reeks of partisanship. (That also goes for the left, where people like Bill Maher suddenly think it's a necessity if Obama does it and not Bush).

Comment Re:Southwest.. (Score 4, Informative) 462

The US DID intern Arab-Americans in the week after 9/11, in mass roundups and arrests, and almost all of them were later released without charge nor apology. Then the government began a series of interrogations, fingerprinting, and in many cases deportation proceedings in 2002 for thousands of Arab and Muslim green card holders and immigrant families.

Comment Re:Bull (Score 1) 236

Therefore, they don't NEED nuclear.

Incorrect. Iran winds up using a lot of its oil for domestic purposes, when it could export it at a higher profit. They're trying to maximize the returns.

And there are several reasons they are pursuing nuclear power, not just the oil. Part of it is to help bolster it's desire to lead the region in STEM, since they've been trying for decades to show their technological advancement (and they have good engineering), as well as their technological independence. Another part of it is so that they could achieve nuclear latency, or the Japan Option; if threatened with war, they could convert their civilian nuclear power program into a functional nuclear weapons program in a matter of months as a response. (Better than Israel currently threatening them with nuclear attack and the US military literally on both east and west borders of the country)

Comment Google is quiet (Score 1) 328

Google is "troubled" but I doubt they will raise a much bigger fuss than that. Why? Because they are competing for government contracts against Microsoft and other vendors for Cloud services etc. So while this deeply undermines the company, they probably won't get too loud about it until it starts to wreck their reputation too severely.

Comment Re:jerk (Score 1) 1440

The problem with throwing out the Constitution and starting over (which is something that even Thomas Jefferson advocated for every generation) is that in this political climate, a lot of good things would be thrown out and bad things enshrined. You think Freedom of Religion would stay in the Constitution unchanged when the Tea Party insists that Muslim Americans and atheists don't deserve the same rights? How about press freedom? How about second amendment, which needs modifying; do you think politicians will make it easier to get a gun or harder? For that reason, it's very hard to change without opening a Pandora's Box of politician tampering.

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