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Comment Re:Say what you like about Microsoft... (Score -1) 196

Haven't tested the other video outputs, but who the fuck wants to play on composite or component on an HD system?) and I haven't had a chance to find out if it can be fixed, and if so for what cost.

Component video is an HD output. It can do the same 1080p that your HDMI can. It's just that the media hardware cartel doesn't like it because "it's analog and easy to copy." There's no Macrovision on component. It's a pretty nice interface. actually.

Comment Your fault-should have gotten a Palm Pre (Score -1) 864

Choose Android or iPhone-or you could have a Palm Pre with a full Linux-based OS. You can root it with the blessing of the developer, and you still have a monolithic app store for non-power users. Also, cloud-aware contacts management that whips the buttocks of any other address book. But you idiots got all wet for Apple or Google and forgot who the true innovator was!

Comment Re:The whole thing is silly (Score -1) 567

Does anyone buy a new Mac and throw a fit when they can't get OS X 10.0 on it? No, that'd be idiotic.

The problem is, the current Mac OS X is far, far better than Mac OS X 10.0. And I would tell you that Vista is inferior, but I can't so much shake the mouse on my 2 year old laptop with 2GB of RAM without Vista going into swap spasms. It's a dog, even on new hardware.

Comment Re:Number of comments not showing on front page (Score -1) 240

Slashdot: It just keeps getting shittier and shittier. Slashdot going all Web 2.0 just exposes what imcompetent programmers they all are, and how lucky CmdrTaco was to get some of that first-wave Internet Bubble money. Content's still great but they should have stopped "improving" the site design in about 2001.

Comment Re:I usually laud hacker hijinks (Score -1) 124

As it tends to enlighten people to the necessity of better computer security... but when it involves things like airport control towers and hospital equipment and files it is totally not cool.

Yeah, it's "totally not cool." Just like drinking the last beer. Or wearing a Nehru jacket. Dude, they crashed a plane into the World Trade Center, I might just have to leave a note on the fridge next time.

Journal Journal: Mario Needs You! 2

# Please, my friends, the people of Slashdot
# need to know about the glory of Super Mario
# and warp zones. Can no one whip up a version
# that will pass muster with the Lameness Filter?
# Mario himself will schlob your knob if you do!

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The Tao doesn't take sides; it gives birth to both wins and losses. The Guru doesn't take sides; she welcomes both hackers and lusers.
