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User Journal

Journal Journal: France, late 2005

Count de Monet: It is said that the people are revolting.
King Louis XVI: You said it! They stink on ice!

Journal Journal: wronger and wronger

Slashdot seems to be rendering in firefox incorrectly much more often lately. Has anyone else noticed the situation getting worse?

Journal Journal: Can't make them think

"Margaret Hassan, a British-born woman with Iraqi citizenship, was kidnapped while being driven to work about 7:30 a.m. in a western neighborhood of the capital, a CARE employee who spoke on condition of anonymity said. The employee said CARE did not employ armed guards."

For fuck's sake, people ... yeah, 95% of all the people in Iraq are harmless, and of the remainder, 90% of them wouldn't do anything like this, but who the hell leads a branch of an international charity in Baghdad and doesn't have armed gaurds?
United States

Journal Journal: An open call to Clinton supporters and bashers 3

While out to dinner with friends last night, one of them said something I found shocking. It went something like "At least Clinton proved that a Democrat in the Whitehouse doesn't mean the military will shrink."

My understanding is that it shrank considerably. So, I would like input from anyone willing to comment - have you heard something like this before. It doesn't quite jive with what I've heard. Please weigh in with your comments, and feel free to provide both numbers and links.


User Journal

Journal Journal: May you live in interesting times...

That's supposed to be a Chinese curse - "May you live in interesting times."

I reinlisted yesterday, less than 24 hours after the attempted "decapitation". They're celebrating in Safwan.

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The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh
