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Comment Re:are we sure it has nothing to do with DA14? (Score 1) 94

the experts weren't even looking for the russian rock. there's no data on it except for the moment of impact

if the loose gravitational agglomeration is large enough, it's possible for the smaller rock to pass by on the other side of the earth, swinging around and appearing to come from another direction

Comment are we sure it has nothing to do with DA14? (Score 2, Interesting) 94

wouldn't it be possible that for every rock we see in space there are some smaller rocks held in loose gravitational formation?

these things have been out there for a very very long time. plenty of time to pick up loose junk

i mean look at pluto: every time we look at it we find a new pebble moon. pluto is not exactly a gravitational power house. it's just that the neighborhood is full of a lot of flotsam and jetsam

i wouldn't be surprised that deep space objects, no matter the size, are often loose agglomerations of stuff

i think it is very possible that this meteor very much is (was) associated with DA14

Comment this is going on right now (Score 1, Insightful) 597

this dorner guy is systematically going after those whom he has targeted as being responsible for grave wrongs in the lapd

and a lot of people sympathize with him

the problem is, you don't actually solve any of the problems he's complaining about by shooting people

we live in a civil society. if you want to change a law, you change it. if you want to change a status quo, you agitate

shooting people does what? turns you into a target for a manhunt. that's it

you don't solve these problems with a gun. sorry

i don't really know why this stupid idea appeals to some people unless you are actually an unhinged individual

and yet your comment is modded +5 insightful? seriously?

all this tells me is there are far too many unstable people with guns in this country

there is no ammo box option. it's not an option in a civil society


and if you believe the ammo box is still an option, YOU are yet another problem the rest of us sane people who are pissed off with the DHS have to deal with

put away the fucking guns, you fucking wackjobs

not an option

Comment honestly? (Score 5, Insightful) 763

do something about it

it's only like this because not enough texans like you are agitating about this

i would bet a majority of texans agree with you. the problem is a highly motivated, highly vocal minorty highjack the process and the majority is quiet and complacent about the whole nightmare

you need to get involved. you get the texas you deserve. so put some effort into it, kick these militantly ignorant morons off your school board, and restore texas to the modern world

Comment tangentially related thought (Score 0) 665

how hard is it to get the software tuner to get FM radio working on a smartphone? it's not

so how come i know of no smartphone that offer it?

it can't be a tech decision, so it has to be a business decision

in which case, who is saying "no freaking FM radio on smartphones"? the manufacturers? the cell companies? the content cartels?

and depending on who is blocking it, why? what's the business logic?

and how come clear channel communications or whatever union of radio stations isn't screaming bloody murder about this status quo?

and i follow tech pretty closely. so how come i never see or hear any media coverage of this odd glaring oversight?

as for TV, i understand that QAM signals do not work for a receiver in motion

so my question is really just specific to FM radio (and AM too, why not?)

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