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Comment Re:Wow! What a vulnerability!! (Score 1) 77

Secondly, none of that has exactly dick to do with what's being discussed -- which is the use of motion sensors to capture vibration, which is then via a complex software application, recreates the keystrokes entered from a nearby keyboard.

Yep - I read the summery, replied to your reply, then read the article and thought damn ----------- missed it by that much.

Submission + - Saudi Cleric Pummeled On Twitter For Claiming Driving Damages Women's Ovaries ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: CNN reports, "...Sheikh Saleh Al-Loheidan's widely derided remarks have gone viral ... "If a woman drives a car," Al-Loheidan told Saudi news website ... "it could have a negative physiological impact ... it would automatically affect a woman's ovaries and that it pushes the pelvis upward." ... "We find that for women who continuously drive cars, their children are born with varying degrees of clinical problems." The controversial comments ... were widely interpreted throughout Saudi Arabia as an attempt to discourage women in the country from joining a popular online movement urging them to stage a demonstration by driving cars on October 26. "This is his answer to the campaign," Saudi women's rights activist Aziza Yousef told CNN. ... "He's making a fool of himself. He shouldn't touch this field at all ..." ... Al-Loheidan's words have been ridiculed mercilessly via social media ... An Arabic Twitter hashtag called "#WomensDrivingAffectsOvariesAndPelvises" was quickly created to make fun of Al-Loheidan — underscoring just how widely the call for Saudi women to defy the driving ban has resonated thus far. And while numerous conservative voices have supported Al-Loheidan, many Saudis believe this was an extremely clumsy way of trying to counter the popularity of the October 26 campaign."

Comment Re:Wow! What a vulnerability!! (Score 1) 77

First you need to download and install a neural network program in your smartphone, train it with loads and loads of data.

You know, the same smartass attitude was held by our government officials regarding the "hollywood" possibility of hackers gaining control over power grids, missile launch systems, water distribution systems, etc. And then Stuxnet showed up,

Not the same, Stuxnet and even .bat files are run by default on a MicroSoft OS. To this day I have to disable auto-run, the largest
most over looked backdoor into a system.
Auto-run being on by default is most likely because people would be inconvenienced or not having a clue what to do next.

This is a proof of concept; It demonstrates that such an attack is now possible.

Proof of concept of something I've known since the early 90's that a computer system gives off electromagnetic energy
and you can read that energy through a wall (apartment). They just made it smaller and moved it closer.

Comment Just like anything there garbage and there's gold (Score 2) 168

I had a friend who managed the network for Bechtel, set my BBS up to pull in usenet
that many said it wasn't possible; my setup was his proof. He ended up going to The University
of Colorado to study telecommunication; talking about getting in at the ground floor.

The local book store had a book "The Internet "Complete Reference"" 1994 by Osborne.
He kept pushed the book on me saying if I wanted to know about the Internet read that book, so I bought it.

It's 817 pages "The World Wide Web, shortened to the Web" takes up pages 495 to 512 (17) intro:
"Is an ambitious project whose goal is to offer simple, consistent interface to the vast resources of the Internet".

It covers everything at that time. Just like anything there garbage and there's gold, this Osborne book it top notch.
Such a keeper that obviously I have it in front of me for this post.

Submission + - Central New York nuclear plants struggle to avoid financial meltdown ( 2

mdsolar writes: As recently as four years ago, nuclear power companies were planning to spend billions of dollars to build a new reactor in Oswego County, alongside three existing nuclear plants.

Then the bottom fell out. Natural gas-burning power plants that benefit from a glut of cheap gas produced by hydrofracking cut wholesale electricity prices in half.

Now the outlook for nuclear power plants is so bleak that Wall Street analysts say one or more Upstate nuclear plants could go out of business if conditions don't change.

Two Upstate nukes in particular — the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant in Oswego County and the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in nearby Wayne County — are high on the watch list of plants that industry experts say are at risk of closing for economic reasons.

Comment Re:Also it stands to reason (Score 1) 303

Strangely enough, nobody seems to be calling attention to the fact that this slideshow confirms TrueCrypt has been backdoored (second slide, page 15). Is it possible to get a degree in applied mathematics without meeting the NSA's recruiting arm?

I didn't read it as there being a backdoor for TrueCrypt -but one being available, and there is if you don't use it correctly.

I started using TrueCrypt and back doored it myself without knowing.

I encrypted one data partition to test it out; but if the OS partition isn't encrypted your not hiding anything,
especially Windows where everything you do is listed in multiple places. Thats just one of many precautions.

I found this after I dug a bit deeper into TrueCrypt (Read TFM). IMPORTANT: If you want to use TrueCrypt, you must follow the
security requirements and security precautions listed in this chapter.

The TrueCrypt FAQ links to Operation Satyagraha
"the FBI has failed to decrypt files of a Brazilian banker accused of financial crimes by Brazilian law enforcement,
after a year of attempts" "Truecrypt and the other unnamed. 256-bit AES was used" claims "They enlisted the help of the FBI, who used dictionary attacks"
-real high tech stuff.

Comment Re:Google announced this (Score 5, Informative) 233

Back in May, Google announced that they would be making changes to their SSL/TLS certificates in the coming months:

Oh No's!
"Even in less-than-obvious places to look for information, such as Google's Online Security Blog, are silent."

To a non-story
"Back in May, Google announced..."

Thanks for that.

Submission + - Malware now hiding in graphics cards (

mask.of.sanity writes: Researchers are closing in on a means to detect previously undetectable stealthy malware that resides in peripherals like graphics and network cards. The malware was developed by the same researchers and targeted host runtime memory using direct memory access provided to hardware devices. They said the malware was a "highly critical threat to system security and integrity" and could not be detected by any operating system.

Comment Re:Also it stands to reason (Score 1) 303

Showing that in the USA, Apple can't make the claim that biometric data is never transmitted over the network'

Who gives a flying phantasm about the transmission of data? In the U.S. this is a step backwards for privacy.

Your fingerprints are something you have, not something you know. You can be compelled to produce them, and they are not considered protected 'testimonial', just like blood, urine, or DNA samples. Your 5th amendment rights, on shaky ground as it is regarding pass-phrases, will not apply to this security model.

From the first or second "The People's Almanac's_Almanac
November 1975 and October 1978 respectfully

It was mentioned in Russia one can't just up and move or go somewhere . You must first get permission and
be supplied with the proper papers. Showing papers at every border crossing or when asked for them.
To be arrested or penalized in some manner if you papers weren't in order or being carried.

It went on to say there's no real difference in the United States.

At any time you can be asked for your drivers license or an ID; if you don' t have one,
you can be arrested for not having a proper ID. If you don't have a place to live or less that so many dollars at the time,
you can also be arrested for vagrancy

The situation isn't new; just the ways of running afoul of the legal system have increased.

Submission + - Bad Commercial Satellite Imagery Helps Sink a US Navy Ship 1

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: Bob Brewin writes in Defense One that a US government agency misplaced a reef in the Philippine Islands by eight miles on its digital nautical charts, which helped cause the USS Guardian to run aground January 17 destroying the ship. Letitia Long, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, told the Chief of Naval Operations that the digital nautical chart display of the Tubbataha Reef in the Sulu Sea was wrong due to erroneous commercial satellite imagery. The error was compounded by “exclusive reliance” of the minesweeper's crew on GPS as a “single source of navigation.” The crew did not pay heed to lighthouses on the reef, according to an investigation report by the commander of US Pacific Fleet. The investigation blamed the grounding primarily on the crew’s failure to reconcile the differences between digital nautical charts of the area and more refined coastal charts. The Navy report says the grounding and destruction of the minesweeper highlights “potential systemic issues” (PDF) on ships that use the Navy’s computer based vessel management system and its electronic chart and display system. The last time a significant mapping error caused an international incident was in 1999, when the United States bombed China’s embassy in Belgrade, Serbia during the war, killing three people. Some foreign news accounts reported that the strike was deliberate, but US officials have resolutely held to the line that a mapping error occurred.

Comment Re:Also it stands to reason (Score 3, Informative) 303

But because of that the privacy concerns raised are pointless. Casual use is exactly where biometrics are useful, they are very convenient but don't provide any real security.

In the USA the privacy concerns are very real.

* The Patriot Act allows for the ue of backdoors for counter-terrorist investigations.

* Vendors are legally and commercially prevented from acknowledging their backdoors.
Defense will not be able to prove their existence.

* Users of Mobile devices and cloud stroage sign off on their rights to data scanning. There is no opt-out option.

a few lines from

Showing that in the USA, Apple can't make the claim that biometric data is never transmitted over the network'

Comment Re:False Positives and Dogs (Score 1) 153

My downstairs apartment neighbor has a dog. Always barks when I'm going up or down the stairs, sometimes before.

I used to live in a house with a driveway that was right next to my neighbor's, separated only by a low fence and a few feet of grass. The dog was usually outside, and considered my driveway to be part of his territory, so he'd bark if I went out to the car or drove up and got out of it.

My neighbor got a new dog that he left alone during the day while he went to work. I was working the graveyard shift when this started.
Damn dog barked all freaking day, for two days. I purchased a BB pistol and when it started barking the third day
I cracked the door a bit and shoot it in the a$$.

Dog never barked again :} figure it didn't know what happened and it stung so bad that keeping a low profile was to it's benefit.

I feel I treat my dog very well, we go to the park and walk along the river everyday rain, shine, 2 feet of snow...

He protects the neighbors on both sides as well, knows them but lets it be known if a stranger is around. He's all bark, not a brave one is he;
It's the fence that gives him his "power". Self firing but he shoots blanks, at the park leash-less and outside the fence he ignores people, as he should.

Comment Re:Dependance on electronics is always a fail (Score 1) 153

20+ years of owning big dogs. I've lived in several "rough" neighborhoods and I have never had anyone try to break in. A German Shepard's bark is far more effective than any form of electronic protection.

The best security system you can have is a dog, You have a lot of what if replies but it's a known fact. Nobody gets close to my place
without my dog letting me know, he also does this without being a nuisance.

Security companies also make more money than one would think just selling signs or decals claiming a home alarm is installed for those
with or without pets.

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