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Microsoft-Novell Takes Open-Source to China 63

Bibek Paudel writes "In a move to tap the growing market of free and open source-softwares in developing economies, Microsoft and Novell have announced they were expanding their alliance into the Chinese market. Microsoft and Novell believe big enterprises in China are willing to pay to have the US firms keep hybrid systems updated and running and for assurances that there is permission to use patented software involved. The companies are marketing 'supported Linux' in which they take a fee to maintain software systems blending the open-source programs with Microsoft products such as Vista, Office, Excel and Outlook.The longtime US computer software rivals unveiled their alliance in late 2006, saying their engineers were 'building a bridge' between Microsoft's proprietary software and Novell programs based on the Linux operating system. Sunday was the first time the firms publicly targeted a specific country with their effort."
GNU is Not Unix

Submission + - Richard Stallman is looking for a wife (

Teran McKinney writes: "Richard Stallman, the father of GNU, has dramatically changed this world with the free software movement, and is largely responsible for Linux and open source as we know it. Without him, open source would probably not be nearly as far along, and would not likely have nearly the legal protection that it does. Many people look up to him, and he has helped create more competition in the software marketplace which is benefical for both proprietary and open source software users. I'm sure that a few females would be happy to find out that he is looking for a wife. Hint: I think he would be more impressed if you used his PGP key."

Submission + - Reagan's Order to Launch the Challenger

Baldrson writes: "Of his new book "Challenger Revealed: An Insider's Account of How the Reagan Administration Caused the Greatest Tragedy of the Space Age", author Richard C. Cook, NASA analyst, says: "...the (Presidential) Commission claimed there was no political pressure from outside NASA to launch Challenger, which my book shows conclusively to be false." Others have documented the role of the four Morton Thiokol engineers who opposed the launch of the Challenge, but this is the first book to focus on the choice facing the administration of NASA. Either, 1) Defy their chain of command going all the way to the White House on the eve of a State of the Union Address or 2) Throw a pair of dice claiming it won't come up 7 dead astronauts."

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