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Comment A modest suggestion (Score 1) 472

I'm in a similar boat. The crux of the problem, I believe, is that prospective employers aren't as concerned with what you have done as with what you will do. Toward that end I would suggest you generate new creative output. Post tutorials, engage in fora and such; show that you are still active and committed to productive engagement.

Comment It's simply a matter of surface (Score 2) 275

Whenever data is brought into a system, the system is subject to attack. Whether from a network connection or distribution media, exploits have always used whatever avenue of infection was available. HTML5 or JavaScript cannot change that fact.

The ease with which an exploit can be fashioned is largely dependant on the level of access given the attack vector and the complexity of the code governing that vector. From Autoplay to VNC, the more control given the remote source, the more potential for manipulation.

As we demand more from web applications and the technologies that enable them, we will open avenues of exploitation, almost by definition. New demands on developers, engineers and designers will be a natural result of this.

On the bright side, this likely means a richer employment environment for web professionals; the flip side is it probably means more jobs for web hacks, too.

Comment It would be a mistake ... (Score 1) 118

... to think that financial institutions are very serious about security. Their losses are covered by the consumer, so getting their hands on the consumer's money takes a much higher priority than protecting it. Of course, they justify it as "convenience" for the consumer, but it really all about the convenience for them.

Submission + - Making Faces for Security (

Rambo Tribble writes: The BBC reports that Google has filed for a patent on making faces at your smartphone. Intended as a security measure to enhance the protection provided by facial recognition, one has to wonder at the scenes one might witness at the local cyber cafe, perhaps to be fodder for Google Glass uploads to YouTube?

Comment Address user tears with user tiers (Score 1) 597

Agile, like many new ideas, has a tendency to overreach. The exasperated users are the same ones who dread system updates. They see any technological change or inconvenience as the result of a vast technocratic conspiracy. These people are the ones who want it "to just work" and have little patience for the tedious process of taking matters to that point. These complaints stem from taking this group outside its narrow comfort zone.

On the other hand, there are end users, usually termed "power users", who love their engagement with technology and its processes. It is these people who should be part of the ongoing development process. The larger mass of users should be consulted and upgraded, but infrequently. Of course, this requires you not break backward compatibility with each new release. You know who you are.

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