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Comment Re:There are three kinds of lies. (Score 1) 274

You should look at it from the other side, It's not a matter of not finding americans to fill their jobs, it's a matter that Americans easily become too costly to fill the jobs, and a cheaper alternative is requiered for business to happen. I have friends who worked on H1Bs at plenty of Silicon Valley companies, where a lot of the workforce were not Americans. Their salaries were not that of slave workforce at all, but still allowed the companies to reduce cost a lot in their intial stages, then they grew and hired more Americans. Americans have to understand that they are easily becoming too costly, with unheard of salaries anywhere else in the world, you are choking your own business, which would rather outsource or hire H1Bs than hiring you.

That fails to explain why the productivity of American workers has steadily increased for half a century while wages have remained stagnant. This fact is simple and easy to understand -- we are producing more and earning less. Somebody's getting screwed and it's us. Don't let this become obfuscated in all the phoney controversy.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 778

Are there still security issues with having JS enabled?

There are security issues ANYTIME you let someone run code on your machine. Javascript is code. Therefore, yes, there are "still" (and always will be) security issues with having JS enabled.

Yes, sometimes -- very, very rarely, about 1-5% as often as clueless developers obsessed with shiny things think -- Javascript is needed for functionality. But if you can't make your site safe to access with JS turned off, you fail.

And of course this changes nothing. Folks don't turn off JS entirely these day, they use Noscript.

Comment Re:why? (Score 4) 778

No. This is completely unacceptable. FireFox is my browser of choice, and I don't block JS, but there's no reason whatever I should have to go to a third party if I decide to.

What's next, I'll have to DL the HTML and strip the JS out of the source and run it locally?

Unless Mozilla changes these terrible plans, I'll have to use a different browser. There's no reason whatever to remove this feature.

My answer isn't no, it's HELL NO and fuck you, Mozilla. If you want me to continue using your products you'll grow a brain and think of your users, not your Google sugardaddy.

Submission + - Unclean at Any Speed 1

countach44 writes: From An article in IEEE's Spectrum magazine: 'Upon closer consideration, moving from petroleum-fueled vehicles to electric cars begins to look more and more like shifting from one brand of cigarettes to another. We wouldn’t expect doctors to endorse such a thing. Should environmentally minded people really revere electric cars?' The author discusses the controversy and social issues behind electric car research and demonstrates what many of us have been thinking: are electric cars really more envrionmentally friendly than those based on internal combustion engines?

Submission + - FTC Chairwoman Speaks on Growing U.S. Patent Problem (opensource.com)

ectoman writes: In a recent policy speech, Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez indicated that the FTC might be preparing to seriously address patent abuse in the United States. Mark Bohannon, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Global Public Policy at Red Hat, has reviewed Ramirez's remarks, calling them "some of the most direct and specific to date from a senior US Government official regarding 'harmful PAE [patent assertion entities] activities.'" Bohannon writes that the FTC's proposed roadmap for patent reform "is both ambitious and doable," and he discusses how the agency could make its potential contributions to reforms most effective. The piece arrives one week after Bohannon analyzed other patent reform efforts currently ongoing in Washington—in a piece Slashdot readers have been discussing.

Comment Re:great quote (Score 2) 31

Indeed, and not just non-programmers. That's another beauty of open source; rather than having to write a custom module from scratch, find something that's almost and modify it to your needs.

Ten years ago or so when I was still programming, my boss' boss gave my boss a programming assignment. After working on it for almost a year without any success (wrong choice of language, I guess, she was more mainframe-oriented) she dumped it in my lap two days before the deadline. I hacked something together in time using mostly borrowed javascript.

I handed it to her boss, "Excellent!" he said. I humbly admitted that most of was stolen code I'd repurposed and hacked together. He grinned and pointed to a poster on his wall. "Plagiarism is when you steal a person's work. Research is when you steal a lot of people's work."

All Charlie wanted was a solution. I wound up with a promotion and a big raise.

Comment Re:How is this legal? (Score 1) 1103

If those programs didn't exist, people wouldn't even work at Wal-Mart because it wouldn't pay the bills, and when you don't have employees it's awfully hard to have a business.

Nope. If those programs didn't exist, people would still work at Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart destroyed other local employers, leaving them little alternative.

it all boils down to government being the problem, as usual.

Only if you understand that Wal-Mart, like all corporations (indeed, all "property", as we know it) is a creation of a government.

Submission + - Ben Heck's plan to making gaming open to all (redbull.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Legendary DIY gaming guru Ben Heck has given a new interview in which he talks about the Access Controller, his modular controller for consoles that lets disabled gamers play with one hand, and how he plans to update it for the next generation of consoles: "I'm sure I will. At the very least people are going to want the accessibility controllers I build...People have already asked about them for the next-gen consoles, and that was at E3. When I was there, the thing I looked at the most was the controllers. The Xbox One looks pretty similar to what we have at the moment, but they finally fixed the D-pad."

Heck's not a huge fan of the new Xbox One console, and wasn't impressed with Microsoft's controversial used-disc policy, which it has now abandoned. "I think it was probably a game of chicken with two cars driving at each other, who's going to blink first? Microsoft probably assumed Sony was going to have a similar DRM [digital rights management], and I thought they were going to as well. And Sony didn't blink," he says. "The Xbox One has a lot of issues, but they should have predicted that. You don't have to be frickin' Nostradamus to predict the public would react like that."

Comment Re:I go to a fair amount of movies (Score 1) 924

Years ago, I tried wearing a wristwatch, but I found it gets in the way. It makes typing uncomfortable for me

Agreed, wrist watches are uncomfortable. For everyday carry, I have a clip watch clipped to a beltloop. It's far easier to check the time there than to dig my phone out of a pocket, plus I have also clipped a keychain-style LED flashlight to it. It's occasionally useful just to have a light-duty carabiner at hand. And I'll take it running or biking, when I usually leave my bulkier cell phone home.

For fancy dress, have some real style and get a pocket watch.

Comment Re:For the sake of saving time, (Score 2) 417

How exactly do you propose the NSA determine who means us harm?

By that logic, we should all just line up to get our appendixes taken out.

Do you know about the paradox of false positives? Let's say there are 300 hard core terrorists in the US planning to bomb something. If the NSA were able to determine a terrorist from a non-terrorist 99% of the time (and they're not. it's more like 60% of the time), that means you'd have hundreds of thousands of people declared terrorists who are not. So instead of being 99% accurate, you end up being thousands of percent inaccurate. Plus, you've ruined hundreds of thousands of people's lives unnecessarily.

The question you are asking is very much the wrong one, since almost everyone means us no harm. If you're starting you investigation with "We suspect everyone" then the NSA is a completely worthless organization.

Nobody said law enforcement was easy, but christ, our Constitution made it that way on purpose. It's not supposed to be easy. I bet it was easy to find out who dealt it in Soviet-era East Germany, because the Stazi had their nose up everyone's ass. That's not supposed to be us.

[pardon me for not doing the math precisely. it's late and I drank a few beers while standing at the grill this afternoon. I'm sure there's someone here who has actually passed statistics who can give it to us with more specifics]

Comment Re:Alternatively... (Score 1) 121

You know what else works just as well as a credit card that is way smaller and lighter than a cell phone, never needs recharging, works literally everywhere and already has proven, well-established limited liability for theft?


Plus, you have the benefit of not having your purchases become part of a massive database to be misused by powerful and evil forces.

I'd like to see some innovations in payment methods that still leave the shopper with a little bit of privacy protection.

Comment Re:Illegal power without Constitutional authority (Score 2) 180

He wasn't modded down. Roman mir posts so much incoherent schitzophrenic babble that his karma is in the toilet. Look at the moderation (click on the number on a comment to see how it was modded). He's at +1 now with 100% insightful. Moderation worked.

OTOH you should be modded offtopic. Moderation failed on your comment. It wasn't informative, it was incorrect. Mods, please pay attention! If someone's sitting below 1, don't assume he'd been modded down.

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