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Comment Don't be so hasty (Score 1) 663

Oh, like "scientists" suddenly arriving on-scene, at seemingly almost the last minute, to pitch in with their "findings", is a novel thing?

Let's consider a few other ecological tipping-points or resource bell-curves and see how well scientific findings were applied in those situations, as a comparison to how valuable these findings related to oil futures (futures, mind you) really are.

If global warming exists, it is history's most major industrial accident, so you'd think a careful study is backing the debate. Instead, self-proclaimed scientists argue conclusions predisposed by funding. Conflicting figures run amok, and science itself seems to break down: scientists don't know where 30-40% of projected carbon emissions "go" (Parsons, 145).

In the midst of the climate debate, deforestation estimates differ by tens of thousands of square miles as do assessments of original forest areas (Shoumatoff, 340; Richards, 11).

Not helping matters, in the 1990s the Global Climate Coalition, financed by large oil, coal, and auto industries, ran a disinformation campaign on global warming, finding an audience due to their emphasis on unbiased journalism (Casper, 143).

Climate and tree-cutting aren't the only muddied issues: fishing "is fraught with scientific papers trying to write and rewrite history to excuse some and blame others" (Clover, 111).

Scientists in the 1860s, pressured by British fishermen who had to fish farther and farther out to land any catch, began the inquiry into man's effect on "fisheries" (a term describing oceanic regions as industrial supplies.) Commission chairman Thomas Huxley maintained a view into the 1880s that: "in relation to our present modes of fishing... the most important sea fisheries... are inexhaustible," justified based on two assumptions: that fish catches are miniscule compared to what swims in the vast oceans, and that the effect of fishermen on their numbers was nil compared to that of their everyday struggle as marine life (Clover, 102). So began the tradition of failing to apply sound logic in solving the urgent problem of over-fishing.

During the 1990s, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization stated fish catches were increasing yearly. In 2001, two researchers revealed catches actually declined since the 80s. Chinese officials had overstated their national statistic, their operations of government subverted beneath operations of industry: the officials were promoted only if statistics reflected increased production. The Chinese officials had recorded "by-catch" (a term for unsalable fish) as productive (Clover, 22; Cousteau, 149). As a direct result of their inventiveness, fishing was not done as if a scarcity were underway, which it was. Jacques Cousteau remarks, "such lapses by those who lead nations bewilder explorers who have led a team" (94).

Cousteau notes further discrepancies: between the projected rate of nuclear power plant meltdown and the real thing (whereas pioneer risk assessments assured the world that a meltdown would occur only once for every 17,000 operating years per concurrently-operating plant, two meltdowns had occurred after only 4,000 operating years total for all plants world-wide); between the projected failure rate of space shuttles (once in 100,000 launches) and reality (Challenger, the 25th launch); and between claims versus motives when decisions affecting human lives are made "not to protect lives, but to protect investments" (pages 88, 92).

So you see, these "scientists" seem to only gain a major stage and only seem to be listened to when they're actually the puppets of major industrial interests.

Let's also take into consideration that oil trades on the global market and that the value of oil futures is volatile. Events like political instability in the middle east might make oil appear to be an unstable future and so values of futures will plummet. Saddam Hussein used this to his advantage numerous times by killing his brothers to drive oil prices down, buying oil futures, and then shaking hands and making peaceful promises with the West to bring the futures up and make a profit selling.

What does discovery do? It increases the amount that's out there. Less scarcity means less value overall, so the more these findings are taken seriously, the less valuable the oil futures are going to look. But if, after oil becomes devalued to a certain extent, the scientists are -- wow -- suddenly found "wrong" (who'd have thought it could happen on Earth?!?! WHYYY?!?!?!) then the opposite could happen, and the cheap futures could be sold at a profit.


Casper, Julie Kerr, Ph.D. Fossil Fuels and Pollution. New York: Infobase. 2010. Print.

Clover, Charles. The End of the Line. New York: The New Press. 2006. Print.

Cousteau, Jacques and Susan Schiefelbein. The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus. New York: Bloomsbury. 2007. Print.

Parsons, Michael L. Global Warming: the Truth Behind the Myth. New York: Plenum. 1995. Print.

Richards, John F. & Richard P. Tucker, eds. World Deforestation in the 20th Century. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 1988. Print.

Shoumatoff, Alex. The World is Burning. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1990. Print.

Comment values (Score 1) 267

At the worst, this is another faked-up story by the person who faked some other story, having no merits, making it completely un-funny, and effectively lowering /.'s common denominator.

At the best, it's an unfunny idea that, if it was met with participation after all, is a testament to how stupid the originator is as well as all of the people who went along with it.

I don't see how this kind of bullshit ever converges with the function of Slashdot, anywhere. Especially since its endpoints on the line of quality don't converge, either.

Comment Re:and the most amazing thing (Score 4, Funny) 135

Mod parent up!

Also: I heard he's using the printer port for commuication. By spooling tractor feed paper between two printers in a loop, and by stopping and starting simultaneous paper-feed jobs, he can create a cybernetic feedback between the two printers that results in a series of quickly occurring "error - paper jam" messages that (due to two taped-down "reset" buttons) are quickly translated from the wide bandwidth analog physical matrix into kajamabits of digital codes. The perceived bandwidth gain is much higher than just a single one or zero at a time.

That way, he can access the mainframe any time, from any physical location, and it will translate directly into a virtual presence.

Comment Re:password: JOSHUA (Score 1) 131

Granted some things:

1. I think this North Korea bullshit is way over-hyped by a death-worshipping media circus that wants to keep us all frightened into angst-driven consumerism. I have every reason to believe this is just a new leader going through the sick motions required of a really stupid political organization. With the White House being more or less sedate about N. Korea's nuclear antics, I'm surprised the liars and whores of the media monopoly press are bothering to bug their eyes out this far and deliver so many hamkicks -- it's like b-grade horror. You really have to ask yourself who's convinced.

2. I'm not against smart weapons (or smart weapon systems). I'm against stupid people building smart weapons and systems.

Comment password: JOSHUA (Score 1) 131

What inanity! If the early-warning system is connected to the internet, there's this huge chance of somebody else connected to the internet being able to trigger an early warning.

Even if it's offline until the moment -- and only during the moment -- it needs to login and send the tweet, there are so many possibilities as far as hacking the early warning system.

It must have sensors of some kind, and sensors can be quickly and easily fooled. And if the sensors aren't so vulnerable? There are obviously some people attached to the system who can also be quickly and easily fooled.

This is even worse than electronic voting! Seriously! I think we should be petitioning the local government of Yokohama to cease and desist!

As another user here joked (and I find the joke hilarious), "maybe my Tweet-monitoring Nuke launcher was a bad idea..."

Well, the Tweet doesn't have to trigger a chain reaction of nukes to have potentially dangerous, even deadly side-effects. And certainly the people of Yokohama don't deserve those minutes of accelerated aging over the supposition that nukes are literally right on their way.

Comment Re:ReactOS (Score 1) 712

That's actually a pretty brilliant idea, but how much more in addition would have to be spent battling with Microsoft in court about how you "stole 'it' from them" (and determining what the definition of 'it' is, probably in either case solely to the detriment of all of us who don't make mints).

Comment Re:Not too bad (Score 1) 712

Anyways, mark my calendar... April 8th, 2014 -- Windows Streamline Day. I'm going to streamline XP Home and XP Pro, use the "windows update downloader" to grab every update I don't have already, etc. Maybe there'll spring up some cottage industry surrounding the continued use of XP as a "hobby". Laff!

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