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Comment Re:Early days yet (Score 4, Insightful) 209

who the hell volunteers to be infected by Malaria?

Heros. Not cape-wearing crime-fighting heros like you find in comic books, but real heros that put themselves in danger to advance mankind. When you meet the uneducated African sustenance farmer who volunteered to be exposed to Malaria, you should treat his as you would treat Cook, or Armstrong, or Bouazizi

Comment Re:Math much? (Score 4, Insightful) 520

But in China, 72.1% of the country's computers relied on the soon-to-retire operating system last month, or nearly three out of every four systems."

This is Slashdot. I think we can do the math on that one.

I came for this. I do wonder, though, for how much of the general population does "72.1%" go in one ear and out the other, but "three out of every four" sticks.

Comment Re:To be clear (Score 1) 63

I looked at some of the source code, and the bash commands they execute, and it looks like you have to be on the local (class C) lan in order to attack at least the Linksys beast (the 192.168.blah.blah sure looks like you can't get there from the WAN side), ...

The javascript running in your browser has access from the LAN side. I have personally compromised my own home router by running Javascript on my public website as a proof of concept.

Comment Re:Surprise (Score 1) 173

Debian/Ubuntu/etc users could easily install the 'redshift' package: http://jonls.dk/redshift/

If it helps, my config file at ~/.config/redshift.conf is:

; Global settings

; The location provider and adjustment method settings
; are in their own sections.

(Also, I'm disappointed to see "f.lux is patent pending" at the bottom of their page.)

On Android, I have added a "Night Mode" button. I think this is only possible with Cyanogenmod, and it's an on-off change, rather than the gradual change done with f.lux or redshift.

Thank you, I did not know that one could create a config file for redshift. I've been starting with a shell script for my day/night parameters. Tell me, is a positive longitude east or west? I assume that positive latitude is north.

Comment Re:Have they studied physics? (Score 1) 438

And where does the payload land on the 1-in-100 launches that the orbital insertion motor fails?

Pretty much the same place as the payload on a current launch if its insertion motor fails. Were you under the impression rocket-based launches don't use insertion motors?

Not quite. Current launch technology (read: rockets) are powered through much of the atmospheric flight. MECO occurs outside the atmosphere, and the craft's flight path takes it over uninhabited areas for the thousand KM until it is outside the atmosphere. Therefore, at no point is the vehicle on a trajectory such that if it looses power, it will intersect the Earth in an inhabited area. The balistic tragectory of the 'Slingatron', however, does bisect the Earth at roughly (due to atmospheric drag) the same place where it was launched from. Also, one needs to take into account the possibility that the payload will leave the muzzle at lower than expected velocity. Thus, an entire great circle of the Earth, several tens or hundreds of kilometers wide, potentially falls within the craft range.

The insertion motor isn't necessarily a single-purpose item; for example, the Shuttle used the same motors for insertion that it used for the rest of its on-orbit maneuvers...but one way or another, you either insert or you come back down.

Yes, I am aware of the functions of the OMS. And I believe that there was an abort mode for failure of the OMS, though it was not an OTA.

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