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Submission + - Zero day exploit found in Windows Media Player

filenavigator writes: Another zero day flaw has been reported in Windows Media player. It comes only one day after a serious zero day flaw was found in word. The flaw is dangerous because it involves IE and Outlook's ability to automatically launch .asx files. No fix from Microsoft has been announced yet.

Submission + - Why can't registrars filter out blatant phishers?

netbuzz writes: "(Note to Slashdot editors: Since this item is still "pending," I thought I would alert you to the fact that two additional posts on the topic are available, making for a nicely rounded package. Details below. Thanks.)

Security expert Mikko Hypponen asks an interesting question: Why can't domain name registrars simply refuse to accept the business of individuals who are trying to register names that would only be used for phishing? Example: directNIC's granting to a "Craig Smith" the obviously phishy ""

DirectNIC's CEO defends his company's anti-fraud practices, acknowledges the system isn't perfect, and suggests a measure that might help make it better.

Head of the Anti-Phishing Working Group says ICANN policies are responsible for enabling much of the abuse, and hence the issue is "complex." "
The Internet

Submission + - The Web Analyzed

Yvo Schaap writes: " ons_about_the_web_you_always_wanted_answers_to/

Provides answers to these questions: Is porn dominating the web? Is China taking over the web? Why do I always see ads by Gooooooogle? What are the most used languages? Are all websites made in Silicon Valley? Who is best in link building? Are Yahoo and MSN really more visited then Google? And is the web evolving to web 2.0?"

Submission + - The Architecture of Mailinator

hypnofrog writes: The creator of Mailinator gives a very comprehensive explanation of the architecture of the system. Up to 5million emails a day on 1 server! Not to mention the subpoena's and daily spam attacks. Interesting read!

Submission + - openSUSE 10.2 Released

apokryphos writes: "Michael Loeffler writes: "After a lot of work, we proudly announce the availability of openSUSE 10.2, formerly known as SUSE Linux 10.x As usual, we ship all the latest open source packages available at the time. But we want to give a special mention to the redesigned GNOME and KDE desktop, Firefox 2.0, ext3 as the new default file system, support for internal SD card readers, new power management and, last but not least, our improved package management.""

Submission + - RFID Personal Firewall

JanMark writes: "Prof. Andrew Tanenbaum and his student Melanie Rieback (who published the RFID virus paper in March) and 3 coauthors have now published a paper on a personal RFID firewall called the RFID Guardian. This device protects its owner from hostile RFID tags and scans in his or her vicinity, while letting friendly ones through. Their work has won the Best Paper award at the USENIX LISA Conference. More information about the RFID Guardian can be found at"

Submission + - Seeing the Earth almost live

arobic writes: European Space Agency (ESA) is putting recent pictures of the Earth (taken 2 hours before) online using Envisat. To avoid filling up their disks too quickly, only the bmp of the last 30 days are available but jpg are kept. Also, only region receiving light can be seen, which explains why no recent pictures of Scandinavia are available.

Feed Loves Linux, Runs Windows (

Europe is struggling to kick the Windows habit. Eurocrats make a lot of noise about moving to Linux, but the actual migrations are few and far between. Bruce Gain reports from Paris.


Submission + - Bosses push staff to eat right, exercise

AnonImass Coward writes: Yahoo reports in a story that "Many companies are starting to sound like moms: They're pushing employees to eat their vegetables and go outside and play. And they're not being gentle about it." The story goes on to describe company mandated fitness regimes at clothier LL Bean, insurance company Hartford, among others.

Employer mandated fitness programs are common in Japanese automotive companies and their overseas subsidiaries. Given the prevalent fitness levels (or the general perception of lack thereof) and prevalence of repetetive strain injuries, would IT workers be open to mandatory practices like this?

Submission + - Gigapixel images

Seba writes: "We've all been acustomed to megapixels of every sort. But how about gigapixel images, ? Do you think 8000 pixels is cool ? How about 87000 (yes eigthyseven thousand pixels across). On the side of half dome, zooming in you can very clearly see two eagles... or count how many hikers you can find. About a hundred images are taken for each one of these panoramas. This is a really intriguing uses of the google maps API. Good job, keep them coming."

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