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Comment Re:Lol (Score 1) 47

Why waste energy? Coupla years flipping burgers while watching less activistic and more practical people go ahead in life will do the trick. Of course by then any possible career path will have closed up so tough luck, activist bozo, flipping burgers is all you will ever do. Do yourself a favour, dive into the grinder and join the burger.

Comment Re:Job resume (Score 0) 77

Wrong. Intelligent people are simply that. Autism is a severely crippling condition that impacts the patients' life as well as their families, and it can affect all sort of people. It's a cherished media myth that very intelligent people must be autistic, or maladjusted, or absent-minded or even simply awkward. It's not the case, very intelligent people are easygoing, genial, very good company. Autism as a symptom of "superiority" or even "the next step of evolution" is nothing more than a nutty fantasy cultivated by desperate parents who have to cope with a defective child. It's just "indigo children", there is no such a thing. More power to anyone who despite a crippling and debilitating condition can still function, but it is a handicap and that is all there is to it. That said, you nerds are not autistic or assburgers, you're simply assholes and we punish you for existing.

Comment Re:Because cyber bulling / doxing doesn't exist /s (Score -1, Informative) 80

Guns are designed to fire projectiles. They're notoriously bad at murdering other human beings. You want to kill people, poison and fire are your friends. There's only one problem we need to get rid of, and it's nerds. Nerds must be stamped out of existence along with their rape culture. You see a nerd, slice it open from throat to groin. Burn it. Humanity will be grateful.

Comment Re:We Can Only Hope (Score -1) 148

The "intellectuals" and "progressists" have been pushed into the background because children - especially retarded children - should be seen (sparsely) and not heard. Your "revolution" is a childish fantasy dreamed up by barely functioning people. Grow up. Get a life. Reality will not change to suit your fantasies. Accept it or get out of the way.

Comment Why is anyone still listening to this bozo? (Score -1) 148

He's a worthless piece of shit. The only time he had any occasion to shine was with the Greek crisis and he made a mess of it. Greece suffered badly, is still suffering, and he was so much of an incompetent that everybody in the EU and in Greece politely told him to get lost. Had he any sense of honour he'd kill himself. Half of Greece wants him dead. The other half wants him flayed alive. Both halves want to fart in his face as he dies. Check this piece of shit's resume, seriously. He ought to be booed off any stage and be shat upon.

Comment Re:Apollo astronauts are a precious commodity. (Score -1) 28

There's a cure for the Alex Jones' of this world: you get hold of them, you pummel them hard until their bones break and their skin tears. You slice off their faces and use them as toilet paper, then stitch them back on backwards. You disembowel them and use the new cavities as toilets, then you parade their beshitten corpses as standards.

Comment Re:First thought on this (Score -1) 60

Don't be so sure. Years ago in Italy the owner of a small business who happened to have the last name "Armani" legally bought the domain name. He was sued into the ground by the fashion brand, despite the small business having nothing to do at all with clothing. He lost everything. Money wins. Supermoney absolutely wins. Megamoney wins and shits on the loser's face. The Zuck will simply open a dorito bag and say "be not", and those little guys will be flushed into the sewers.

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