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Comment meme (Score 1) 38

What is the name of your least favorite child? I hate all children, equally.

In what year did you abandon your dreams? 2009, when I realized the recession was going to be a severe one.

What is the maiden name of your father’s mistress? Football.

At what age did your childhood pet run away? My pets have always loved me. Because they know they're not people.

What was the name of your favorite unpaid internship? Yard work for my parents.

In what city did you first experience ennui? Try English next time.

What is your ex-wife’s newest last name? Marriage is for suckers.

What sports team do you fetishize to avoid meaningful discussion with others? Watching sports is (generally) boring.

What is the name of your favorite canceled TV show? Nowhere Man.

What was the middle name of your first rebound? Off the backboard.

On what street did you lose your childlike sense of wonder? It was closed for resurfacing that day.

When did you stop trying? When I realized what Lefties truly are.

Comment sounds an awful lot like (Score 1) 6

What I want is to be able to configure a user's home page on the website with their choice & order of several widgets.

That sounds exactly like what I've (only*) read ASP.NET WebForms' "Web Parts" is for.

*I wouldn't know in practice; the place I work at never really learned ASP.NET, so they re-invented things like Web Parts and ASP.NET Membership.

after doing MVC the last 4 projects I'm thinking Yuck too with these code-behinds

Couldn't parse that of course, but it jogged my memory of something from an earlier discussion, where you said MVC was overkill for what you were doing, and after Slashdumb closed the discussion I was thinking the following. We've used ASP.NET MVC for our last three projects. Yet we haven't structured our code in the MVC pattern. The MVC pattern is just used by ASP.NET MVC framework, that we hook into. But really that's the same as WebForms. We don't architect our code to some kind of code-behind model, or say copy the Viewstate concept for anything else in our code. We just hook into the framework we're using, however it's been architected. Either way our application architectures are always (very poorly done) 3-tier ones.

p.s. We've stopped doing WebForms projects, so I've no idea if/how well that supports HTML5. Why I prefer ASP.NET MVC is the control over the HTML generated (which is especially important for jQuery-heavy UI's, like my immediate boss has grown accustomed to), and I started out web programming in now-classic ASP, so I had to learn how it really worked, sans WebForms' hiding of statelessness et al. (To me what WebForms hides from me, not to mention imposes on me (if you haven't been tripped up by the page life cycle, you haven't done anything really complex), is more trouble than it's worth. WebForms was intended to allow desktop application developers to make web apps without having to learn too much (the programming model is, intentionally, *very* similar to WinForms). So it doesn't at all apply to me (as a benefit).)

Comment I'm against balancing the budget... (Score 1) 39

...while we still have a national debt.

I wrote a FJE some years ago, where I claculated that the national debt could be paid off in ~30 years, if we just went back to the federal spending levels of Bill Clinton's first few terms. Of course, now that the "compassionate conservative" and the Kenyan communist have really blown out the debt, ... And I guess nowadays Bubba era spending levels would make most people wonder how we ever managed back then.

Comment Don't know if it's a joke or not,... (Score 1) 62

or if there really was such an episode, but they skewer lots of people. In looking over the stills of past episodes after TFA, I didn't of course see the episode of that "conway" rapper is-nothing-to-me, but I'm LMAO reminiscing about how they portrayed Snooki and Bono and Algore(TM) and Michael Jackson.

I especially liked how the voice of Chef, Isaac Hayes, participated in episodes making fun of various religions, until it was his religion's turn, in which case he got all butt-hurt and refused to do the show, so they assembled voice clippings from prior shows and turned his character into a pedo. And then killed him off.

Comment Re:I caught none of it (Score 1) 16

In that other thread (now archived already by the perpetually lame Slashdot):

Git is a graph editor. Once you get your mind around the fact that revision control is just its main entre, possibilities open up.

Of which apparently source code loss is one. I guess I just favor a revision control system that also does branching, over a branching system that also does revision control. To me a source code control application should be like a toaster; insert code, and then push down on the thingie. I want to think about code, not code administration.

Comment Re:I caught none of it (Score 1) 16

I'm entertained by the appearance that, at least on the Right, a statistically significant percentage are sick of the homos inside the beltway. Sorry if your guy was the candidate who rode the wambulance home last week. You and Krauthammer and Will still have McJebney, I guess. Good luck with that.

Comment Re:the 1960's called (Score 1) 19

I attended a talk on Git earlier this year. I didn't, pardon the pun, git it at all, and I'm a pretty smart fellow, who's been around a while in technology circles. Part of it could've been the presenter, who just talked about HEAD and MASTER and branching and jumping all over the place, with some labels sticking and some moving, and didn't bother to map out Git's unorthodox terminology to saner system's "check out", "check in", etc. Not to mention he screwed up his repository by making a mistake in mentally mapping all the branching and merging he was doing. If error-proneness is considered a good thing in source code control systems, then Git seems like an exceptional one.

p.s. And the thing is I wanted to like Git. I hate TFS at this job, liked Perforce at my previous job, but thought for personal use something more lightweight and not needing a server would be better to install and start using source code control at home. I would need a non-fanboi to explain, or rather, map it out for me. And explain some easy usage pattern that avoids indirectly telling Git to throw away a set of sets of changes.

Comment Re:I caught none of it (Score 1) 16

I just heard from a talking head today that the three GOP candidates who've never held office currently have over 50% of the nod in current polls. Sorry if your establishment candidate fave is fizzling, and maybe he'll come back up, but I for one am ecstatic at what's been going on, and wouldn't miss it for the world. Like the Republic Revolution and Christian Coalition years, this is a very exciting time in politics for people who think like me.

User Journal

Journal Journal: a good debate 16

Very surprisingly, CNN actually put on a pretty darn good GOP debate. (I didn't seen the JV's, earlier in the day.)

Sure, CNN is still a Left-wing network of course, so there were a few questions about things Right-wingers don't recognize or care about, like Global Warming. Which would be fine in a D vs. R candidate debate, but completely doesn't belong in a GOP-only debate.

Comment Re:the 1960's called (Score 1) 19

The Affordable Care Act was so much spaghetti code.

Well measures to avoid spaghetti code would probably be deemed "overkill", by you and him and whoever else around here is in the Cowboy Coder's Club.

The ACA was only just to get us started down the path to socialized medicine, so why try to make it solid and lasting?

Comment Re:Whatever you do, ... (Score 1) 7

ODBC DSN [...] MS Access

The 1990's called...

I'd be suprised if modern Windows systems even support the former, but I see (and am shocked, and horrified) that Office 2016 actually still includes Access/that there'll even be an Access 2016. I don't get it; why retire VB, but not Access.

Good news smitty: I think Visual Foxpro is still available to download on MSDN. You might even still be able to find a copy of Clipper for DOS somewheres.

Note to myself: Why would I expect anything other than the technological stone age from Slashdotters, who think UNIX, with its coarse-grained security, its requiring keying in cryptic commands, and its crude piping of mere text around, is still the pinnacle of modern technology.

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