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Comment Re:The virtriol makes sense (Score -1) 323

From what I have researched, excessive speed is identified as the primary cause for over 1/3 of all fatalities. It is similarly high for the primary cause of all accidents. If we can reduce that, it's a good thing.

Throughout Europe the speed guidelines are relatively uniform, and have everything to do with protecting people - especially pedestrians - and the environment. The supposed revenue stream from the relatively tiny fines barely covers the administrative costs in processing them.

In effect, both of your main observations are absolutely wrong. Please try again, after thinking a little.

Comment I'm only a little surprised people are . . . (Score -1) 210

. . . waking up to Musks "slash and burn" mentality. It was pretty obvious to 5 as soon as I heard he bought that it wasn't a long term growth strategy.

He bought to destroy the shit that is Twitter.

Good for him.
I support him 100%.

Twitter is, and always has been, a singularly shitty social platform. From the earliest days it sucked. I was a very early subscriber, but never saw anything of value in it. Barely ever posyed, and wouldn't notice if it disappeared.

Fuck Off Twitter.

Rock on Elon !

Comment Fiel costs ? Sorry, that's mostly you ! (Score -1) 289

If you live so far from your work that your transportation costs are above about 5% of your take-home pay, you're really doing it wrong.

I don't care about your "need" to live way out in the countryside, where there's no demand for XXX skillset. In fact I think you're pretty stupid for doing that. It's a waste of your time and natural resources.

I'm not suggesting that you move into the center of NYC, or Austin, or wherever. Rather, maybe you just need to reevaluate your priorities.

Complaining about the cost of your commute is silly. That is 100% your choice, why are you complaining about your own choice ?

Comment Re: All or Nothing? (Score -1) 278

That is revolting !
I feel ill after about 125 ml.
The combination of artificial sugars - whatever they hell they are - and high caffeine content makes me feel like I'm catching a cold (or something). It lasts about 45 minutes depending upon how active I am afterwards.
I would probably puke if I consumed 2 litres of the stuff even over several hours.

Comment Re: All or Nothing? (Score -1) 278

They produce a massive benefit for their consumers who enjoy their beverage, and are often the key drivers in improvements in major third-world areas, as supplying and selling Coca-Cola is typically one of the first break-through economic activities that enters a region that ends a war

Shortly followed by an obesity epidemic !

Comment An old piece of shit, upgraded to a ... (Score -1) 101

... newer piece of shit.

Seriously, z/OS has one, and only one, thing going for it. Simultaneous user count. Although I am confident other, better, solutions exist for this one theme, z/OS does it very well.

Everything, and I really do mean everything, else is an archaic abomination held in place, seemingly, by very vocal, very passionate old school pencil-necks. They're all beyond retirement age, and are rapidly approaching death age, so we can only hope that things get better in the next few years.

Comment Re: Wont happen (Score -1) 272

In my reply - which I don't think you are directly responding to - I stated a feedback loop.

This started before WW2 (I think depression era is about right). The City of LA really wanted to expand, but didn't have enough water, because at least half of California, in particular if you draw a line from Carmel to Tahoe, everything south, is a desert. A real desert with barely enough rain to support Deer, and other herbaceous mammals.

So, LA basically bribed anyone they could to be allowed to ship water from Northern California. Because the water was magically available farms sprouted up where they shouldn't have. People moved to where they wouldn't have, and more water was taken from Northern California.

Rinse and repeat for nearly 100 years and California has a water problem.

Comment Re:Wont happen (Score -1) 272

The reality is that the agricultural activities in Ca have *NEVER* been sustainable. Combined with climate change, the "we have groundwater reserves that will last over a century" is now more "We will run out in our lifetime".

This is an over-simplification of the water "problem" in California, to the point of being incorrect.

Fresh water is amazingly abundant in California - in fact, without idiotic policies which encouraged a positive feedback loop of domestic use, there would be absolutely zero water "problem".

Comment Re: Bring back the CARS ... (Score 0) 272

I don't know the current regulations, but a huge part of the boom in SUVs was because they were cheaper than a similar capacity sedan (or estate).

Why ?

Because they were classed as a truck instead of a sedan, and so the fuel regulations were less stringent. Thus they were cheaper to build. And, yes, more expensive to operate.

Comment I'm willing to imagine there truly is . . . (Score 0) 124

. . . a good reason.

OK, I can bash Google as well as the next guy, but, in this case, it's not totally clear that this policy is wrong headed.
Allowing the Russian people better (presumably) access to search doesn't sound like a bad thing.
And, sucking money out of Russian Advertisers (and thus the Russian Economy) also doesn't sound so bad.
Are there downsides ? For sure.
But it's pretty hard to tell exactly how much the downside outsides the upside.

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