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Comment Re:Think about it for a minute (Score 1) 397

It's kind of that true now a days "Christians are not giving excessive violence a thumbs-up as an acceptable lifestyle," but nobody can argue that the Iraq war (and George Bush for that matter) would have been anything but impossible without the solid support of the Christians in America. Also, I think much of European History would beg to differ with that claim, and more than a few Inquisitors would probably place you on the rack, in the name of Jesus, for such a statement if you had lived in their time. Anyways, while I appreciate your attempt to articulate why you "favor" violence over nudity, I would like to respectfully say that I think you're wrong regardless of the religion you were assigned. Mainly because viewing violence and nudity affect the brain differently. Observing violence has the ability to induce trauma because, among other things, humans have a natural tendency to empathize. Depending on the level of trauma it can lead to what is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's why the passion plays of the middle ages and Mel Gibson's latest take employ such a gratuitous amount of it. They're attempts at using extreme images of violence to change a person''s neurology; because, if you can place suggestions in a person's mind at a time like that you have a very good chance of getting your suggestions to stick with them in their subconscious, but I'm getting off the subject. Observing nudity can be stimulating to be sure but, by its self it's certainly not trauma educing. This is true unless an individual has been imprinted (usually by their family and social circle) to associate nudity with trauma educing stimulus, like thoughts of rejection from "god" and one's social circle, uncleanliness, shame, "sin" and on and on. As it happens, Christianity, and other religions have worked tirelessly for thousands of years to create this association. I would argue, that to a person with a mind clear of religious indoctrination, observing violence is the greater of two evils so to speak; and since not everyone is religious, nor should we want that for our society if we value peace, stability and modernity, we should move to regulate our society based on a more clear or "default" version of the human mind.

Comment fuck (Score 1) 1

I came back to Japan under false pretenses then. God damn it I hate that there is no clear indication of the risks involved. I know most nuclear people will scoff that there is no risk involved, and I want to believe you, but most of you guys don't have to walk your dog, or run to the convenience store to buy an umbrella while it's raining down wind of Fukushima.

Submission + - Japan doubles Fukushima radiation leak estimate (bbc.co.uk) 1

DrBoumBoum writes: Meanwhile in Japan, the severity of the Fukishima disaster continues to go up, from incident level 4 to level 5 to level 7, and now to 15% of total Chernobyl radioactive spill. The story is not over yet as the plant keeps on leaking radioactive material and may still do so for a long time.

Comment Re:how they know (Score 1) 767

It's a nice hypothesis till you consider that you're talking about Sara Palin. If anybody is in no danger of not sufficiently making herself look bad, continuously it's her. From getting caught with crib notes, to spending over 150,000 dollars on clothes while on running for vice president, to putting gun sights on Gabrialla Gifford's district, to "I read all the news papers" etc, etc, Why would anybody go through the trouble of trying to make her look bad. It'd be like putting pig slop on a dirty pig.

Submission + - Cellphone Radiation May Cause Cancer (nytimes.com) 1

one cup of coffee writes: A World Health Organization panel has concluded that cellphones are “possibly carcinogenic,’’ putting the popular devices in the same category as certain dry cleaning chemicals and pesticides, as a potential threat to human health.

Submission + - Project Icarus: The Gas Mines of Uranus (discovery.com)

astroengine writes: "When considering the fuel source for a fusion-powered interstellar probe, wouldn't it be a good idea to set up a colony on the moon and start pillaging the lunar surface for its helium-3 riches? Not so fast, says Adam Crowl of Project Icarus, there may be a far more viable source. What about the gas giants? Although Jupiter's gravity could pose a problem and Saturn's rings might get in the way (and forget Neptune, that place is one hell of a commute), perhaps the helium-3 in the Uranian atmosphere could be mined using atmospheric balloons?"

Submission + - Let Them Eat Khan Academy

theodp writes: Connie Ballmer announced that Seattle's Lakeside School and nine other private schools have formed the Global Online Academy to enhance learning opportunities for students at the elite institutions, some of which charge upwards of $35,000 in tuition and count the likes of Bill Gates, President Obama, Steve Case, Mitt Romney, and Sean Lennon as alums. 'Independent schools have traditionally struggled with how to provide their education models and resources to a wider student population in order to serve a public purpose,' Ballmer explained. 'While the initial classes will be for students at member schools only there is potential to share them with a broader community and help narrow the disparity of educational opportunity.' In the meantime, there's always Khan Academy.

Comment Re:I would support it if... (Score 1) 932

Man, you have such cynical dystopian view of America. I had the great pleasure of traveling in America just last month, down the East Coast and a bit of California, and I can tell you Americans are far from the blood thirsty savages, thieves and killers in need of a "Cop or two on every bus" that you make them out to be. Of course, it's anecdotal but time and again I was amazed by the Americans I met who treated me very warmly, and acted genuinely kind and friendly. As for space, Perhaps it's cramped where you live ( there's a "in you're mother's basement" joke there that I will refrain from going for) but it appears to me that America is absolutely awash in open space. Every American City I've ever seen with the exception of New York seems to have been built in forest or park of some kind. There's so much open underutilized space everywhere you look, there's more than enough space to build trains, monorails and trolleys if people so desired.

Comment Give those Mewling idiots a break (Score 1) 274

The mewling idiots complain about "religion" being a danger. And, within the past 100 years, we've seen that ATHEISTS rank among the cruelest, most inhuman monsters on earth

Of course it only looks like you have a pretty good argument as long as you don't look back further than the last 100 years because before that, it's almost entirely religious people killing, enslaving, indoctrinating, dehumanizing, terrorizing, and generally making life a living hell for themselves and everyone else on the planet since prehistory. One has to wonder, were the atrocities of the last 100 years the result of "ATHEISTS" and their immorality or was it the result of Humanity's historical trajectory?

Whatever the case, we can also look at what secularism and religion have bestowed on humanity. In the last 100 years Science done mostly by "ATHEISTS" has advanced humanity more than religion has in the last 200 thousand years combined. It's not even close. So, for the love of "God," give those "Mewling Idiots" a break, you might even want to say a little thanks to atheism.

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