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Comment Fuzzy Math (Score 1) 421

What about the man who makes $100,000, but whose wife stays home with their 3 children and their family disposable is equivalent to a young couple who both work and make $50,000 each? That man works for 10-15 years, then his wife re-enters the workforce at a $45,000 salary. Clearly there is a pay gap, but it's a pay gap based on individual decisions and priorities. Gender discrimination is illegal but there is no guarantee everyone will put their careers first.

Comment Re:Get rid of it by tomorrow. (Score 1) 421

The problem is, they arent "blocked" from lucrative careers. Companies that engage in illegal practices such as hiring/promoting based off race and gender are opening themselves up for lawsuits and terrible PR...if you work for a company with any competent HR department, chances are they are playing by the rules. PLENTY of women are in upper management and other lucrative positions with children. Other women drop out of the workforce at their own choosing. If I choose a lower level profession, I am not entitled to get paid the same as someone else doing a different job. If I choose to drop out of the job market for 5, 10 years, and go to company X, there's a damn good chance I *might* be taking an entry-level job at company X. Some women make a choice and choose careers over family. A lot of times in those situations, the burden shifts to their partner to become the breadwinner. Technically a 'pay gap' may exist, but is it imposed or is it just a statistical anomaly based off free decision? There seems to be this growing socialist movement nowadays where people expect income equality for everyone. Laws and HR policies protect people from being discriminated against from race, gender, religion etc. They do not guarantee you will make choices for yourself that maximize your income.

Comment Set a specific goal (Score 2) 312

Get a book and read it to get the basics of the lanugage. I would pick a language such as Java or C# unless you want to focus on web development. I recommend C# because I think Visual Studio is pretty easy to work with and debug. There's lots of near-religious debate about languages and some people try to steer noobs into languages like C which is a terrible idea IMHO. Once you get the basics, set a goal for yourself...make a calculator or a poker game, etc. Build it one step at a time using sites like StackOverflow to ask questions when you get stuck. Then just keep doing it...automate stuff at work, look for opportunities to keep building your skill set...expand into other languages or database stuff.

Comment Salary Expectation != Salary History (Score 1) 435

It's 100% OK for an employer to ask what your expectations are. I think the best thing would be for employers to post a desired salary range, which unfortunately doesn't happen that often anymore. It's pretty annoying to have to apply and interview for a job where you have absolutely no idea if the offer will even be worth your time. However, as a hiring manager, my time is also important. I have to organize an interview by exchanging a few emails, coordinate several other people's schedules internally, follow up with HR that I want to do a background check, then HR has to call and actually make the offer (which usually has a relatively narrow salary range we can work with). While this is all happening, someone else may be on hold for a couple weeks that would actually take the job and may become unavailable. Without having any idea what ballpark salary people expect, this is obviously a huge waste of time. So salary history, no....salary expectations OR post the salary range in the job description, yes.

Comment To quote Syriana... (Score 1) 186

"What are they thinking *hah*? What are they thinking? They're thinking that it's running out. It's running out, and 90% of what's left is in the Middle East. Look at the progression: Versailles, Suez, 1973, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2. This is a fight to the death. So what are THEY thinking? Great! They're thinking keep playing, keep buying yourself new toys, keep spending $50,000 a night on your hotel room, but don't invest in your infrastructure... don't build a real economy. So that when you finally wake up, they will have sucked you dry, and you will have squandered the greatest natural resource in history."

Comment Cool it with the NC hating... (Score 1) 760

I've been to tremendously shitty places in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, SC, New York, Pennsylvania, etc. I would live in Raleigh, NC over any place on the east coast except maybe for Boston. I've seen dumb, ignorant people in rural areas of all those states. I will say, I did get the hell out of rural NC as soon as I could. HOWEVER, Raleigh NC is a very nice place to live and it is very diverse. And if you want to generalize or stereotype NC, reply back with your own state and let the peanut gallery decide if there's any backwards dumbasses where you live. In response to some of the KKK comments, in over 30 years living in this state, including very rural areas, I have never once seen anyone that said they were in the KKK, I've never seen anyone in a robe, never saw any marches, etc. The most racist person I've ever met was an Italian guy who lived in a town about 1-2 hours outside New York City. Racism is everywhere. I do have a theory about a lot of the racism in rural NC however. I grew up in a small area that was 50% minorities and it was not fun. My elementary school was literally in the projects. We had Rodney King backlash going on in our high school. The problem is that a lot of the locals who don't leave these towns end up living with high minority populations. They only know very uneducated people that act obnoxious and dangerous and they draw correlations along racial lines. When they see a redneck they don't say, 'oh look, there's a dumb white person...white people sure are dumb!', but they draw those conclusions when the person isn't white because they don't know any other minorities. The minorities (and everyone else) that are educated and more intelligent leave to find better jobs in the city.

Comment I've found the exact opposite to be true... (Score 3, Interesting) 85

Really depends on the situation, but I've observed that people that sit closer to their manager end up developing more friendships with them which has obvious advantages. If a manager has a lot of direct reports, they will probably interact with the people closest to them out of convenience. More interactions and visibility with someone's manager allows them to showcase their strengths more often and talk about what they are working on. It also will increase their chances that their boss will be more empathetic towards them. However, if you are lazy and/or a screw-up and you just want to coast by, obviously sit far away from the manager (and everyone else for that matter). If you are concerned with upward mobility, you don't want to be some silent, nameless face in a far corner in the office unless your output is 100% of your job performance and your manager is staying well aware of your work. However, networking/relationship building is usually the best way to be "successful" in an office.

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