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Comment Re:Smart move... (Score 1) 165

this is funny somehow it is always US gov that is corrupt and guilty.I think they are guilty of number of evil things and a lots of misery is caused by silly but systematic actions of US authorities yet claiming they are guilty of any silly thing is just - well - silly.I think Iran would end up this way w/o involvement of US authorities - it just lies in the nature of authoritarian regimes that they do not trust anybody and this often enuff results in paranoia. This will have negative effect mostly on them alone as this will increase cost of doing things. We could see what happened to Soviet Russia and its satellites when the isolated themselves from the west - great things were still possible but more difficult. There are good things about this happening right now. It shows that Iranian Gov is not as stable as it seems. The other is that it will weaken them in long run. Yet another one - more restrictions it puts on its own people more will be convinced that the gov is not representing their interest. This is not a small thing as contrary of what some hotheads in the west might have thought last time there were riots in cities of Iran it was a minority that rioted and wanted the gov gone, the majority still seems to be OK with the maniac at head of head.

One more thing seems to need setting straight. You do not have to do everything in open and it is often unreasonable to do so. Openness has advantages though - it allows for faster correction of wrong course usually so it makes an open society more efficient in combating negative changes in env. This openness has its problems with it - this much is clear - but in normal circumstances it is beneficial. This in some sense is also a message one may see after studying the reasons why Europe or generally so called West made such a rapid progress over last few centuries: openness and stealing of ideas to apply them in a different env. etc. This goes quite against what current IIP nazis are doing but the battle here is also not lost.

Comment Re:Is that even possible? (Score 1) 153

Huawei told them that I think of all concerns backdooring is one but I think they should worry not about backdoors now but about falling china independent vendors of vital equipment. Huwaei is as evil as other chinese companies - they do not have to bribe themselves if target is strategic enuff then chinese banks will start giving the govs around the target loans etc. This is not always so but it's been long time practice. Once your industry is gone it is difficult to get it back so you are dependent on sw/hw from others - back doored or not and this is the problem not whatever crap HW is selling now. It would be also nice to see where TE got the info about high quality etc SW from HW - I have not seen any yet and I work in industry for quite some years. Cheap it is however

Comment Re:Stonewall or Fight! (Score 1) 197

these are big ifs you know. I have a friend lawyer here in Germany and he told me this - it is no chance that you win. The court and thus the friendly judge is chosen by the attacker which may incur additional travelling costs etc. but is just setting enviornment against you as they can chose whole country to press charges. This means you have to fight at least two stages as the first one is almost set. Add to this the fact that almost certainly somebody from your household did download some stuff illegally. Thepr0n issue is not even that frequent but that happens too which just adds to embarrassment of being seen as a criminal. There are two other points here: the ignorance of judges which makes a complex arguments difficult to be made (how can you be sure that it is your IP address and that it has been used at this particular time - the time data is often not correct enuff to invalidate the charges but how to get hold of it and then how to convince the judge?) as well as you need to have access to data and experts that can invalidate the arguments of the oher side. Interestingly the morons fail often enuff (seeing the ods skewed so much their side) and lawyers that do this rocket in an automatic and indiscriminate way risk being disbarred here in Germany. Still this is your problem so you may just decide to pay and many do.

Comment Re:Money Does Trickle Down (Score 1) 696

For your reference - too much gold (or silver or whatever) is not good either which goes to prove that binding currency to anything 'real' makes a real difference. Go to Spanish Empire in wikipedia and search for 1516–1700 - looks familiar or? Neglecting own economy because you could get things cheaper elsewhere is not always good idea even if some uneducated bastards (economist) tell you something different.

Comment Re:Common sense (Score 1) 505

These "state level departments of environmental resources (or equivalent)" are better than one EPA because they just create 51 different sets of rules together with 51 sets of loopholes right? I suppose this may be better only if you take that one agency takes less bribes in total from EXXON and the likes than all state agencies would have done. That may or not be true of course. If I were a citizen with as well as a citizen without allegiance to energy industry I would still prefer to have one sets of rules - it makes life easier and in total saves some taxes as you do not have to have so many 'experts' to be paid. Me thinks.

Comment Re:Common sense (Score 1) 505

ohh this good work that is done by so many good energy industry workers is a good argument just to give up any control and let them do what they and their bosses please and any attempt to even discuss the problems that fraking in this case bring to life means you are a commie and a science hating asshole. Well done.

I have a problem with all the BS that comes out of green movement frequently enouff but I also have problems with people like you who out of the fact that we need energy deduce that we shall allow gas industry in this case do what they want because - yes because of what? If nobody complained they would have been dumping polluted water into rivers as they did because it is cheaper that way.

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