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Comment Re:Brazil (Score 1, Insightful) 400

Anonymous Cowards, posting stupid and racist bullshit shit since 1997. Poor != stupid, and considering the challenges they likely faced in clearing all of the waste from their water, and since Brazil isn't really know for wealth, I'm not surprised they couldn't do it while spending the billions necessary to build up the rest of the facilities that will undoubtedly go to waste after the Olympics are over.

Comment Re: Can we donate? (Score 1) 97

Multiple cable operators are rare since the major cable companies all have agreements with one another diving up territories. My analogy (built off of yours) was meant to point out that telecoms will go out of their way to prevent new competitors from coming into their areas, not to imply that they specifically wiped out other ISPs.

Comment Re:Can we donate? (Score 1) 97

Well just imagine that the doctor you speak of got legislation passed in your area making it damned near impossible for other doctors to come in and set up shop, even going so far as to sign an agreement with your landlord that only that doctor could care for the residents. Now imagine that that doctor has the balls to say that "they're doing it to protect the patients from bad doctors" and act all goodie goodie when a legitimate threat came up and they just happened to be able to stand on the side of right by saying "No, I won't install bio-monitors in all of my patients and help you kill off the fat ones". Would you be so willing then to trumpet that doctor as being a paragon of society?

These are all things Cox has done, in my area specifically. I am a Cox customer, but not by my choice by a long shot. My alternatives (and I live in a larger city, not in the sticks) are a shitty DSL provider that can give me a whopping 1.5mbit connection, satellite (with terribly latency and throughput), and cell service (with horrible costs and terrible service). Just because they happened to be on my side this time doesn't mean that the second the RIAA offers them something better (pay for the upgrades, pay for lost customers) they wont say "fuck it it's too much effort off with their connections".

Comment Re:I can see it now... (Score 1) 610

Wiredhas a much better article about what's going on with this order, they say that 1. the order leaves open the possibility that what the court is asking isn't possible, and 2. that the FBI isn't specifically asking Apple to unlock the phone but wants Apple to disable the feature that wipes the phone after 10 bad password attempts (they want to brute-force it).

Comment Re:Can we donate? (Score 1) 97

Don't mistake their willingness to stand up to the content industry as a sign that they give a shit about their customers. The first argument against this is "it imposes undue hardships on Cox", re: "You want us to spend money implementing deep packet inspection, and lose more money kicking paying customers off of our network, to impose your rules, at zero benefit to us. No Thanks". The privacy arguments just make good PR.

To be fair, they're probably the best telecom out there, but that's still like being the least smelly turd in a porta-potty.

Comment Re:5/16 Inch = 8mm (Score 3, Interesting) 138

While it may or may not be dense, it's not likely to be conducive towards aircraft design, adding 8mm of material all over an airplane would A) royally fuck the aerodynamics and B) be stupidly hard to maintain. Think covering your plane in Styrofoam, you're going to lose alot of material to air friction every time you move the thing around.

And also I don't see much practical ground application, UHF isn't very useful for ground target detection due to it's inability to penetrate ground clutter. I suppose you could slap this stuff on a naval vessel and effectively "raise the horizon" on your vessel from surface detection but again, limited use.

I suspect the Chinese allowed this article to go to print as there isn't alot of military application here for a material as unwieldy as this, and they likely (and probably correctly) assumed that other governments are already aware of this material and have decided not to use it, for the same reasons.

Comment Re: buy apple, macs don't need service (Score 1) 193

You'd never find techs willing to subject themselves to the 24x7 aarp crowd, nothing more frustrating than trying to support gomers over the phone, trust me. That said, +1 for anyone that is saying local support, many shops have a yearly support plan, the one I used to run charged $165 per year per pc for anti-virus, yearly tuneu (clean temps, startups, dust the interior, etc), and 10% off any additional services needed throughout the year.

Comment Re:I would sell it (Score 4, Interesting) 654

I've ridden public transit to get to work from where I live in the past, first I have to walk about a Mile to get to the nearest bus stop, then it takes about an hour with one transfer to get to work. On a good day, it would probably take me about 1.5 hours to get to work from home using public transport.

Compare that to driving now, I have pretty easy interstate access where I live and my place of work is right off of that interstate. Traffic doesn't get too bad here most days but even when it does, it rarely takes longer than 45 minutes to get to work, and under normal circumstances, it takes me about 20 minutes. So my answer? No fucking way would I willingly take public transit unless I had no other alternative.

Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 4, Insightful) 703

TFS: "The Pope has great moral authority but he's not an authority on climate science" I would think that it would be a moral imperative to leave our children a world thats not a complete disaster and if 99% of the worlds learned people are saying that this is a problem, it would behoove him, morally, to make sure that the Catholic Church is doing everything in their power to make sure they have a flock to attend to in the next few generations.

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