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Comment Re:Donor restrictions (Score 1) 219

Despite a large amount of controversy CBS not only refuses to take donations by homosexual or bisexual men (despite the fact that every unit of blood that is donated is tested)

There is a window period where a person will test negative to HIV yet still be infectious. Thus testing alone is not enough to keep HIV tainted blood from the blood supply.

Comment Re:Bozo Arrest! (Score 1) 550

With rare exceptions it does not compel people to act. For example if a person is under a doctor's care then the doctor may be taken to task. But a random person has no obligation at all to help a drowning man or even to let others know that there is a man drowning.

In 1999, California passed a law that makes it illegal not to report a witness crime if the victim is 14 and under. This law got attention recently when a bunch of people stood by when a high school girl was gang raped in Richmond, California. Because she was over 14, the onlookers could not be charged.

Comment How about the Turing award instead? (Score 2, Insightful) 541

It is the most prestigious award in Computer Science. Here is what it is given for:

It is given to an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the computing community. The contributions should be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field.

It isn't as famous as a Peace Prize, but it does recognize real accomplishment.

Comment The difference is the sponsor. . . (Score 1) 232

I'm going to have to do a little research on this issue, to find out why the *EFF* funded this prize. As an EFF donor, I donate money to them so that they can use it to advance the causes of liberty and privacy. I'm a little puzzled at how them spending $100k of (I presume) *donor money* is advancing the cause of liberty or privacy? Here I thought my money was going to precedent-setting lawsuits and criminal trials, and to lobby congress and educate the press about technology and liberty/privacy issues?

I suppose *maybe* this is somehow tied into the last part (government/public education about the issues) sort of "crypto awareness", since most cryptography is based on large prime numbers, but I'm a bit skeptical at them moment that my donations are being used wisely.

Comment Re:Yep (Score 4, Funny) 667

Obviously you've yet to interact with the mysterious beings known as "women" or you'd realize that the typical woman has fragile emotions. Imagine that they did this to your mother, or grandmother, and how they would react. I honestly can't even continue because frankly, it's making me mad that people like you are out there convincing any possible alien observers that we're still to stupid to handle a formal greeting.

Comment Re:How to generate huge amounts of cheap electrici (Score 1) 650

tritium, tritium and tritium AND Noble Gasses Which Decay Into More Dangerous Daughter Products (Xenon 137, Krypton 90, rubidium 90, strontium 90, Xenon 135, xenon 133, krypton 85, Argon 39). Of course no epidemiological studies have been performed on the noble gas venting which are released hourly from *all* Nuclear reactors. (did I mention tritium) 4000 gallons of primary coolant water PER DAY containing plutonium 238,239,241, technetium 99, iodine 129, carbon 14 and *ahem* tritium

If tritium were so terrible and dangerous, then why is used in things like gun sights that are sold to members of the public? Also, primary coolant water is inside a closed loop - that is why you need at least one other coolant system to move the heat out to the generators. Thus, your figure of 4000 gallons per day of waste primary coolant water makes no sense.


Do Nice Engineers Finish Last In Tough Times? 613

jammag writes "As the wave of pink slips is starting to resemble Robespierre and his guillotine, the maneuvering among tech professionals to hang on to their job is getting ugly. IT Management describes the inter-office competition between the manager of a server farm and the supervisor of networks and security. One was nice, giving his team members credit, taking responsibility when something went wrong. The other was a backstabber who spent plenty of time sucking up to the management. As the inevitable cuts came, who do you think hung on to their job?"

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