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Comment Not for taking 38 Megapixel - for 5 megapixel (Score 5, Insightful) 204

The point is not to take 38 megapixel images. I don't know why everyone is focusing on the megapixel, that is not the story here.

The story here is the approach they take, 41 megapixel oversampled images processed algorithmically to produce superior 5 mega pixel images. The story may even be Symbian, definitely not the 41 mega pixel sensor.

Comment think gwt (Score 2) 575

google provides gwt, you write your code in java, it compiles to javascript for all browsers. worth a look if u want web programming with java. it does have its quirky moments.

further gwt coupled with something like sencha gxt lets you write web applications not possible easily with the likes of jquery etc.

Comment Different War (Score 2) 266

The wars have also changed, we won't be going up against Russia anytime soon. Further China is more of an economic threat than a military threat. Their military expanse is more a response to worldwide US presence, they are not as quick as US to invade a country.

So U-2 would do just fine against Taliban and even Iran. Why spend more money when the needs have changed, hell a bi-plane from WWI will do just fine against Taliban.

Comment Tackle corruption with corruption (Score 5, Insightful) 273

So these politicians can be bought, this is not news.

What I can't figure out is why haven't the tech giants got together and paid them more money. I know, they shouldn't have to, but as long as corrupt politicians exist, do the same.

Media industry is worth a fraction of what the internet industry is worth. If there is a MPAA and RIAA, there could be IIAA - Internet Industry Association of America, get lobbyist, get moving, buy politicians. Its going to be cheaper than complying with SOPA and keeping their businesses up and running on a broken Internet.

Comment Re:$199 already at Futureshop (Score 1) 141

I picked one of these on sale, to be honest, it got the best browser on tablets, android and iOS included. Its the closest I have seen to a full desktop browser.

Apps still very limited and that suck but still surprised to see a few big name titles showing up.

Its been a perfect companion to my travel needs, where I need good battery life, small size and an excellent browser. It needs native skype to make it perfect for my needs, so I will go short of calling it excellent.

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