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Comment Re: Absurd (Score 0) 304

The expense/profit but as an "investment' is only a small bit - most tech companies who make money off of "IP" sell the IP to a shell in a country that doesn't have corporates taxes (that zero value) and then license it back to the US company, which then uses the licensing fees as an Expense to offset profits so they pay no taxes in the US, and then all their money is sitting in an "IP" holding shell company which can then turn around and finance investments in other areas for the same "customers" that are licensing the "IP".

There is a whole industry around tax avoidance, and in the end yes - they pay effectively zero, especially compared to the effective rate of what any other person in the US pays.

Lowering the Corporate tax rates in the US is useless, closing loop hopes and double backs so that we actually can get tax revenue from these corporations vs. bleeding the middle class is what we need to do.

Comment Re:Absurd (Score 0) 304

"We also need to lower commercial tax rates to compete with the economic incentives to off-shore productivity."

You realize they basically don't pay taxes now? Lowering zero to less than zero isn't going to help.

100% agree to incentivize domestic manufacturing over of-shore - but you do that by adjusting tariffs on incoming goods, but that also has global impacts and can cause global backlash.

Another option would be to completely redo our corporate tax laws, and remove the incentives for off-shore manufacturing and of-shore revenue movements.... but that would require those in power to do something that negatively impacts them, so that will never happen..

Comment Re:I strongly hate Battery stroy (Score 1) 50

i've got 10kwh worth of LifePO4 batteries in my office at the moment for a pack i'm building ofr a mobile trailer... they are here and in use..

what i don't get is - Li[Ni0.5Mn0.3Co0.2]O2 - are the Ni 0.5/Min 0.3 Co 0.2 because they are shared ion connections?

Shouldn't that be written out to the common denominator? 10Li5Ni3Mn2Co10O2 i mean its a big molecule but still...

Comment Re:How to not build a nuclear power plant. (Score 1) 139

not sure why you got marked as a troll other than not a likely commercial scenarios (until it is). but what you just described (minus the concrete) is a US Air Craft Carrier during a natural disaster..

The goal of these SMRs are to be shipping containers with minimal onsite connections and assembly. and they are damn close or some of them... Putting them on a ship and moving where power is needed by contract, is an interesting business model....

Comment Re: If you need an app... (Score 4, Insightful) 162

We all know what it does and "why" you have to sync/program the ECU for the broadcast ID's to watch for. But with the TPMS being the dominant design for a Federally mandated requirement, its complete BS that some vendors require a dealer only tool to change those IDs. It hooks up through the ODB2 port, talks on the CAN bus, but has encrypted keys for validating the tool before the ECU will accept reprogram. Adding that in there is not "protecting" the end users, its "protecting" vendor lock-in and dealer revenue. Its EXACTLY what the right to repair laws are intended to prevent.

Comment Re:If you need an app... (Score 2) 162

And due to the vendor lock in on programming tools - when i have one go bad (as i do now), it would cost me 500$ to get it replaced and reprogram the ECU to use the ID of the new unit.. Because only the dealer has the tool, and they refuse to use customer provided parts.

Comment Re: Cool (Score 1) 333

And there are people out there that are completely opposite (like me). While I'm not a fan of mandating it - i can see why once it is easily available, if an incident happens where it would have prevented it that the owner is held accountable (same as car insurance with modern/vs old and insurance rates).

I myself would be more interested in having a gun in my home for sport shooting knowing there was a bio metric lock out as i do have kids in the house, At the moment we don't and won't because statistically adding it to the home would increase the chances of a child dying due to a hand gun accident more than they would reduce the odds of needing it to defend myself or family.

Nothing against people who want a gun for self defense - but unless you are in a line of work which regularly puts you in harms way - statistically your more likely to hurt your self or others than ever needing it to defend yourself (or others). And that's ok - its a choice - but do realize there is a large portion of the population that doesn't make that choice for those reasons. I'd view this tech could actually increase gun ownership vs. being used to suppress it.

My personal issue is that this tech is likely to get attached to a gun i don't care for - and isn't really able to be retrofitted to one i'd want like the XD-S .45 love shooting those..

Comment Re: Just one not-so-small problem... (Score 1) 131

i understand that - what i'm saying is just because the process is capable of making a chip with 3nm features doesn't mean it has to - it can just as easily make chips with 28nm features, you just don't get the individual down scaling and number of chips per wafer benefits.

Producing a 28nm chip with 28nm features on a 3nm process does not require chip redesign - at most it requires a rerun of the litho screen to fit the production unit

Comment Re: Just one not-so-small problem... (Score 4, Informative) 131

That's not quite how all this works - for chip making we still use a lithographic approach to etching and forming the features. the "3mm" process just means the smallest size you can reliably make a feature. A process which can make a small feature can easily make a larger one and will also do it more reliably than a process which is at the edge of it's abilities.

That intel is planning to open it's fabs to outside orders for outside projects is telling, and a major change for them. Given their historic quality and yields id' expect they will get a lot of business/orders for current generation chips from fabless groups.

Comment Re:Good (partially). (Score 1) 135

Never understood the backwards move Germany and Japan did from Nuclear to NG... i get Fukushima scared people, but if anything it showed how overbuilt these plants where.. Go ahead and do a proper risk review, but the wholesale backwards slide based on fear of the boogie man set the world back many decades....

Comment Re:Oh God no (Score 1) 89

I was implying that the "gifted" programmers are going to be in the field doing the work regardless of their CS degree status. And most of the ones i know who have a CS degree where working in the field long before they graduated.

The gifted/code savant end of the bell curve you are right, they tend to come with the anti social bits, but a CS degree isn't going to help them - they need people skills, that is a different topic of conversation..

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