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Comment Re:According to the FBI it is "THEFT" (Score 1) 220

That doesn't make a lick of sense. If not making the money you wanted to was theft, then people window shopping, seeing something they want and simply deciding not to buy it, or those who open up shop to compete legitimately with another would be theft. The fact is, that is absurd since you can't have money stolen from you that you don't even have, and not making money is not the same as having money you have taken from you.

Comment Re:I for one (Score 1) 228

Um... if you read it yourself, you'd see the reason copyright exists is to stimulate the progress of science and creativity by giving EXCLUSIVE CONTROL to the creator for a LIMITED TIME in which he or she does whatever he or she wants, and after which, it goes back to the public. It doesn't say anything more, or less.

Comment Re:This case is a joke. (Score 1) 383

Um... copyright was meant to encourage creating by ensuring the artists had control for a limited time - absolute control to do whatever he or she wanted - nothing more, nothing less. Wish people would stop looking into things too deeply - but then again, I overanalyze the shit out of everything.

Comment Re:Bittorrent (Score 1) 298

No service agreement can protect a company against defamation of character, or outright fraud - not saying those are applicable, but to act like a company SAYING it is final because it is in the agreement is rather ignorant, and devoid of acts. I don't argue that to fight is time consuming, tiring, difficult, and money draining, but that isn't exactly the same as impossible. :D

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