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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 465

Jokes aside here, Apple is just being a dick, which is really what we can expect from Apple. The inheritor is legally entitled to the data on that device (as they would to any other intellectual properties like writings, patents and works of art created by the deceased) and Apple have the capacity to unlock the device (which is scary enough on its own) but refuse to do so because, because, shut up, thats why.

So...Apple should unlock devices for anybody who calls them and says "grandma died!"?

Comment Re:lack of attractive upgrade prices (Score 5, Insightful) 860

Microsoft's list of reasons to upgrade include:

* Designed with the new mobile lifestyle in mind
* More background designs and colors
* Enhanced Bing search
* A beautifully redesigned store.
* Deep cloud integration with OneDrive.

With reasons like that I can't imagine why XP users aren't rushing out to drop $500 on a new PC, $100 on a new monitor and another $300 on a new printer/scanner then replacing/reinstalling all their software and trying to get everything working like it already was...

Comment Re:Simpler solution (Score 1) 158

I am always amazed how much people are willing to spend on a hand held device for making roaming phone calls.

I've never paid for a smart phone in my life* and I'm on my third one now. The latest one is Android 4.2 with 5" screen, dual core CPU, 5MP camera. Not an iPhone, I know, but a pretty decent phone.

[*] Unless you count signing up for a $10-a-month plan with unlimited-talk and unlimited data as "paying" for a phone...

I just piggy-back the phone account on top of my $25-a-month fiber optic Internet connection (200Mbit up/down) and they usually give me a new phone to sweeten the deal.

Comment Re:"... as a means to reduce theft." (Score 1) 158

I'm assuming this will also allow officials to kill all the nearby smartphones when there are protests to stop people showing police violence.
Of course they'll say its so they cant text for more people to show up.

Why would they do that? They can use the phones to identify the owners (and track them afterwards).

Comment Re:"... as a means to reduce theft." (Score 1) 158

Yeah, right. What they want to do is be able to shut down everyone's line of communications just in case the hoi polloi get too uppity.

It it's done right you could have a little scratch card with a secret number on it. You need the number to kill the phone and the Men In Black don't know it.

Comment Re:no Facebook (Score 1) 116

I have a friend who has gone through a sort of endless circle of creating a facebook account, getting bored/fed up/anxious and deleting his account

Have you told him that Facebook doesn't really delete anything. Ever. They just hide it from public view.

Also that by creating/deleting accounts he's revealing even more about himself than just not using it. By leaving an account idle you let them know that Facebook isn't your thing (ergo, you're not the sort who responds to adverts!) By deleting/creating/deleting you let them know you're an obsessive compulsive who needs brain-meds.

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