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Comment Re:Assange deserves every possible appeal (Score 1) 110

In fact, the FBI has recently admitted to evidence tampering in that case.

1. Nothing was stolen. Trump had every right to declassify and take the documents.
2. Trump kept all the proper agencies 100% informed of what he taking, and where he keeping it.
3. Nothing was hidden in a toilet. The documents were in a safe, in a locked room, with camera surveillance, and heavy security.

Biden, and Hillary, were not president when *they* certainly stole troves of documents. They had no right to declassify. They certainly hid the documents, and Hillary destroyed evidence that under subpoena.

1. Yes Trump is able to declassify documents. However there is a procedure for declassification. He can't just say "Hey these boxes are hereby declassified and I'm taking them home, nevermind the contents".
2. Yes he kept the agencies involved by saying yes I have documents and no I'm not returning them even though the presidential records act says I must.
3. But but but Hillary's emails and Benghazi!

Comment Re:No, we really don't (Score 0) 250

All it will end up being is just another stupid institution like minimum wage that just ends up being a constant game of chasing ones tail against inflation while itself doing nothing but adding to it, and everybody who depends on it will always insist that it isn't enough in perpetuity for exactly that reason. All this shit ever does is penalize saving, exactly the opposite of what the government should be doing.

Walmart pays people as little as possible and encourages employees to sign up for government benefits to make up the difference. Walmart isn't stupid. You and me are subsidizing Walmart employees through taxes.

Comment Re:Third-Party Doctrine (Score 1) 35

I wonder why the President just announced a 100% tariff on Chinese cars? (

Please do not construe the above as an endorsement of China or other autocratic regimes - they are despicable.

To prop up the American auto industry. They have massive profit margins that must be protected through legislation. Sure they could make cheaper cars but why do that?

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