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Comment Seriously (Score 1) 277

This would not be the first time marketing people spend money without having a single clue as to what the data they are buying is, let alone what it means. My wife, bless her, works at the top in market research at one of the bigger fortune 500's. Market research is not the same as marketing. It's the mathematical/statistical side, one of the questions it's answering is "how effective is the ad campaign for X", or "are we getting our money's worth". Quite often I hear about how she's had to stop many countries from spending money on surveys, trials, and other means of acquiring data simply because they had no idea what they were getting and it would have ended up being useless for what they were trying to do. Anyway enough of tooting my wife's horn. I respect her - I could never do such a job!

Comment Wristband phone (Score 2, Interesting) 244

This is just round one. Samsung also has a flexible display technology, and a patent application for a phone with a flexible display that wraps around the wearer's wrist. That has a lot more promise.

A wristband phone can offer much more vertical space. than a watch-like clunker. Wristbands can be wide or narrow, and can be made to look like jewelry. Twisting your wrist can control scrolling. Much more convenient than carrying a brick in your hand, and doesn't look so dweebish.

This could be the beginning of the end for round-cornered brick smartphones.

Comment Re:Childish (Score 1) 227

No that's not what I'm saying at all. Although you do bring up a valid point. The Israeli idea of "defense" is "attack". They have already violated international law by bombing Syria more than once and no, they are not allowed to do that. However I wasn't referring to the missile "test" at all but rather the whole situation.

Comment Re:I think its safe to say (Score 1) 136

Myelin degradation is part of a whole spectrum of neurological diseases. Which makes me wonder about the importance of the TFA's findings - at a very broad level one would expect that chronically sleep deprived people would have a higher incidence of neurodegenerative diseases - something I don't think happens (although that's a WAG of my sleep deprived brain).

Of course, TFA studied utilized some very broad brush assays and basically theorize that when the brain is awake, it tends to repress SOME aspects of myelin precursor production. It does NOT say that pulling all nighters will give you multiple sclerosis.

Interesting, but come back in five years and read the Nature or Science mini review on the subject before snacking on Oligodendrite Precursor laden twinkies.

Comment Re:limited action (Score 1) 227

Except this time the "target" has powerful friends. I fully expect Russia to defend their ally. I fully expect China to defend Iran, if it comes to that, too. If the US creates the UN, creates a "Security Council", names itself a permanent member and then ignores it completely, breaking its own rules, then either international law is abandoned completely by everyone, or the US will be held to account. And believe it or not, the US (and its European bedfellows) cannot take on the world.

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