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Comment Re:Blame fat-bellied Western businessmen (Score 5, Insightful) 123

No. The blame lies with the elites, as it always does. The poor working class just trying to scrape by as the 1% steals more and more of their money and manipulates them with billions dollars of advertising and propaganda are not the ones to blame. It's the ones with power, as it always is.

And, as always, there will be cowardly lickspittle toady motherfuckers defending those rich assholes.

Comment Re:unhappy with EV charging (Score 1) 155

Show me any new technology that will increase engine efficiency more than 1 or 2%. You can't, because it doesn't exist. Most automakers have plans to phase out ICEs, whether you like it or not.

The increases in battery life, efficiency, and decreases in cost for EVs are well known, and quite remarkable. And we are only getting started with this technology.

I don't vote based on cliques, or what letter someone has after their name. I vote based on who will push for the policies I prefer.

Given that red states have such piss poor child mortality rates, I wouldn't think simply banning abortions is going to help you guys.

This isn't geographical, or at least not by state. This is about productive and multicultural cities versus unproductive, poorly educated rural areas. Right now, those rural areas have MORE of a say than they should, thanks to the way the electoral college works. Conservativism is deeply unpopular with American voters, and without dirty tricks, its days as a major driving force of politics are numbered.

I mean, unless you guys pull of the coup you so obviously desire. But that requires more than you are capable of.

Comment Re:unhappy with EV charging (Score 4, Insightful) 155

Counterpoint, the transition to EVs will create incentives for private companies NOT to let their power grids go the way of deeply unregulated states like Texas. It also provides incentives for more decentralized power generation, like solar.

Oddly enough, here in New Mexico we aren't facing rolling blackouts or any sorts of downtime. I can't remember the last time the power went out. Maybe unregulated utilities are the problem?

Did you know that those same natural disasters also affect pipelines, oil storage, and processing plants?

In any case, without a real comparison of down times, this is wildly speculative handwaving. I get that you want to find reasons why EVs are bad and ICEs are good, but motivated reasoning like that only leads to foregone conclusions. You start from the outcome you want, like "EV bad, ICE good" and you reason back to find evidence to support your desired world view, while ignoring other evidence that does not support your desires.

Comment Re:unhappy with EV charging (Score 1) 155

No, I do not believe auto makers will hit those targets. Do you? What evidence do you have that they are on track to do so? Also, I firmly believe that the listed MPG is an outright lie, on every ICE sold today. I've never seen a car that gets close to its rated MPG in actual use.

It's a no brainer though that even with dirty sources of electricity, EVs pollute less than a ICE car. You just can not scrub carbon and other pollutants out of a million cars as easily as you can from a single power plant.

Funny how your side pivoted from "Climate change isn't real" to "this particular solution won't fix climate change" without even blinking. And it's all just politics. The left likes it, so you hate it.

This sports team mentality is killing the planet.

Comment Re:unhappy with EV charging (Score 1) 155

Of course there's no need to switch now. Nobody is saying there is. The point where it will make economic sense for most Americans to switch is about 5 years from now.

Batteries are the biggest downfall of EVs right now, they are toxic, and take a lot of energy to produce. But there are battery technologies in the works now which don't use heavy metals at all, and can be recharged very quickly. 2-5 years out, but still looking very promising. Couple that with new electrically excited synchronous motor technology and you will have a technology that beats EVs in terms of rare earth usage, because it will use none while ICEs still use palladium and rhodium the the catalytic converter.

I've researched cutting edge ICE technology and quite frankly, unless you can come up with some sources, I simply do not believe you.

There is no way biofueled ICE can compete with EVs in the long or medium term. Not economically, and certainly not environmentally.

So, in the end it still makes a lot of sense for government to subsidize a network of charging stations, right now.

Comment Re:unhappy with EV charging (Score 4, Insightful) 155

Sorry, but the ICE is at the end of its technological cycle. There aren't really any more major increases in efficiency to be found in that outdated technology. EVs are pretty much equal to ICEs right now, in terms of total impact on the environment over the life of the vehicle. EVs are at the beginning of their technological cycle. Based on the rate of relevant inventions, they will be far ahead soon. The sooner we commit to that direction, the greater our lead over the rest of the world will be, and the greater our profits.

Now, I get that your tribe has made support of ICEs mandatory for membership and status in the tribe, but that really doesn't matter because your tribe is shrinking quite rapidly and will soon be irellevant. The rest of us don't need to factor your preferences into our decisions.

Comment Re: Meh, if you've got a Union shop nearby (Score 1) 97

By least effective troll, I mean, they are invested in the topics they troll on so can be very easily counter-trolled. OMBad will bite at any bait. Also, they are well known, so nobody ever assumes they are arguing in good faith. If their goal is to piss people off, or sew division, or muddy the waters, or make Slashdot unappealing, they have failed miserably. If their goal is to look like an ass-clown, well, they sure can manage that.

Comment Re:Screw these union busting overpriced milk deale (Score 1) 97

It's weird, too, like, I can enjoy a nice French roast. Even an Italian roast, in a latte. I don't know what Starbucks does to the coffee they brew in store, but the stuff they sell in bags tastes nothing like it. That stuff is properly roasted, usually no darker than a full city roast. The in-store stuff, especially the plain brewed coffee, is just nasty.

Comment Re: Meh, if you've got a Union shop nearby (Score 1) 97

You won't say it! Holy shit I just lost a bet.

Spoiled westerners? That sounds like something a Chinese asset would say.

Look, just write "I have a concrete plan to murder Xi Jinping, and I will carry it out next week." Then I will know you aren't Chinese, and you can continue trolling.

It's not hard. Any actual westerner would not be afraid to write that.

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